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Dearest Alex,

          Okay, I am very stressed about this actually. I apologize but my situation actually kind of involves 3 questions. So I know this guy, he seemed pretty nice at first and I thought we were just friends, but then he began calling me and texting me constantly(its driving me insane). What should I do about him? I know another guy, we've been hanging out for a bit of time, not sure if he's into me or not, so yeah, what do u think?

                                                -stressed out


Dear stressed out, 

Well I would tell him to kindly stop or if you aren't a direct person then I would just ignore all of their texts and calling unless it's getting too much where they don't get the hint. For the next guy, I want you to think about what he does to make it seem if he is interested and what makes it seem like he isn't. Then I want you to keep hanging out and stuff because that's all you can do really o.o Unless you wanna ask if hes into you then go right ahead cx 

Your friend, alex c:

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