Should I give away my virginity?

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Dear Alex,

I'm in desperate need of advice. I'm eighteen years old and have a boyfriend named Blake. We've been together since I was fourteen and he was fifteen. Like every couple we've had ups and downs but everything been fine so far. So in a couple of days, it'll be our four year anniversary and I was thinking should I give him my virginity? Sure, I am 100% committed and I'm happy be in a relationship with him, but I'm scared secretly. My boyfriend isn't a virgin and lost it when he was young, but I'm scared I'll be horrible and disappointed him sexually. So should I take the chance and give it to him and possibly be horrible... or never have sex with him? Ever?


                                    Destiny Walters ♥


Dear Destiny Walters, 

          Well I don't think you shouldn't have sex with him ever because what if you guys stay together for a really long time and eventually get married? He obviously isn't going to be okay with that, you know? But I'm not saying that you should either. Then again it is your choice. What I think is that you guys have been together for awhile now. I mean you have lasted more than other couples have and you guys still haven't been intimate with each other which is really awesome. I feel like your virginity is a gift that you can only choose to give. If it feels right, like it's the right time then I say go for it. Make sure it's on your terms though. If he's pressuring you to do it, then don't, because no one should make you have to do it just to feel close because all that is b.s. I think before you do anything that you should send him your concerns. Make sure he's gentle with you because doing it for the first time isn't going to be fireworks and all that jazz. It's an experience that you have to be ready for. You can't be horrible and disappoint him if he loves you because he will know that it's your first time and you have to learn as you go along and he should be there to guide you since it is your first time. He shouldn't expect too much from you is what I'm saying. If he does then hes just a tool. Oh and whatever you do please please please use protection if you don't want to have babies anytime soon. And also, make sure he is clean form any diseases he may not know he has okay. Just make sure your both good to go and then you guys can have it. You can't be too safe. cx So that's what I think about that. And I hope this helps :)

Alex <3

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