He's cold and then he's not

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Hey :) I've come to you for advice before on my old account ( silly me forgot the password) and I need some help again :) basically, I really like a boy in my year! He's really cute.... But he's also been so mean to me! He told me I should give up on my dreams and he has kicked me and pulled my hair etc, but now he's told me he really likes me :'c I'm really confused because he's being nice now, and I'm confused about whether he's the sweet and kind boy hes currently trying to be, an I still like him, but my friend likes him too. It's getting more and more confusing for me everyday. Any advice? Thank you x -jazz 


Dear jazz,

I think that you should confront him about this. I don't really like the whole two faced thing he has going on. I wouldn't even like a guy anymore if he kicked me or pulled my hair, in all honesty. And the fact that he told you after that he likes you.. is a little bit odd. Yes there has been cases where the guy does mean things to the girl because he likes her but you have to really find out his true intentions. So confronting him.. say like "Look, what's your game? Why is it that one minute your being mean to me and then the next you say you like me. Do you really like me or are you just trying to hurt me in the end?" If he hesitates, then there's your answer but if he doesn't then he might truly like you. 

As for your friend.. I'm not sure if you guys have talked about liking him or not but if you haven't then I would suggest talking to her about it. Ask her if it would be okay to date a guy that the other liked. Sometimes friends are understanding but other times they are kind of selfish.. and if they are selfish you have to make the decision if you want to put your happiness before theirs. And only you can decide that. 

I hope this helps ya! 


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