People say too much but is it the truth?

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Uhm, dear alex. It's me, ConfusedOutOfMyMind again, and I need help... Again ^_^

Soooo... The guy I like, he sometimes looks at me in class and we make faces at each other. Haha. He teases me a lot, whispers my name in class just to annoy me. But... He likes this girl named Madi. His best friend told me he does. And the other day. This girl that doesn't know me, heard my crush and my crush's friend talking about who they like. And his friend looks over at him and says my name. And my crush blushes. The girl that saw this, told my friend, and and my friend told me. And now I'm really confused because I don't know if he likes me or not. Also, you know how I said he got popular all of a sudden because of football? This other friend of mine said he's a player and that he has two girlfriends, and is cheating on both of them. Now I seriously don't know whom to believe. I mean... This much drama for 13 year olds? Also note that he is a jock. He's popular and all you know. He laughs about everything. So yeah I think so. Please help me!

~ ConfusedOutOfMyMind


Dear ConfusedOutOfMyMind, 

I kinda laughed at the whole drama for a 13 year old thing cx Because it took me back to when I was at of your age and hun age doesn't matter because drama follows you everywhere through life XD It's the only thing that keeps life being life XD But anyway yeah it's a lot of boy drama is what it is cx But nothing is impossible to resolve so this is my piece of advice for you! C: 

Okay so first off, stop listening to everyone around you. Rumors happen  A LOT at your age. One thing I know how to put out flames is going to the main source. Which would be these guys. The one that your confused of if they like you or not I would ask if he likes that other girl to see if he really does like her. Just say that you heard it from someone. Now I wouldn't start the conversation by just asking him who he likes right away... i'd start off by just having a normal convo and then leading in to it, you know? But yeah see what he says and if he says no then ask if he does like anyone right now C: 

For the Jock. Well to be honest I wouldn't even worry about him because it's none of your business really if he's dating more than one girl and cheating on them but if he is or you want to find out, just ask him. Tell him you won't judge him but you should warn him that there are rumors going around that that's happening. But if you don't want to get involved then don't. It just creates more drama for you and the people around you. If the guy changed then the guy changed, you can't do anything but be around someone else and talk to people that aren't going to just change because they got more attention than usual, you know what I mean? 

I hope this helped in some way, 


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