Pregnant and kicked out of house

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Dear Alex, 

Hi I just need a little more advice from you it's getting really hard for me I'm living  with my BFF cuz my mom kicked me out after I told her about the baby. what should I do?  I'm stressing a lot and I don't think it's good for the baby.

Help plz

-teen pregnancy  


Dear teen pregnancy, 

I wasn't really sure that you would actually come back after last time, but I'm glad you did :) 

I'm really sorry to hear about your mom kicking you out :/ I hate when moms do that.. it's never right... but why do you say that it's getting hard living with your bff? If your living with her, is her mom taking care of you? 

Do you have any other family that would be willing to take you in and take care of you and your baby? I think the best option is to find family that will or will consider it. It kinda is hard living with your best friend with a baby because then their family has to go through the process of taking care of you and the baby, hopital bills and such, and with family its much easier. So yeah. That's all the advice I can give you for now. 

hope this helped. 


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