I like someone who I think likes someone else

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Hi!  I'm sorry for bothering you but, I'm kinda too embarrassed to post this on your book Ask Alex ~A wattpad Advice Column.

So, I have a crush on this boy at church. I've been told to not crush at church, well because you're at church.  I really like him, and I even think I got him to say he loves me too! But that was at a summer retreat. I can tell you that story, later if you want.  But the only other problem, is that the whole church knows he likes my unnie (unnie means older sister or older really close female friend. Girl saying this to a girl.).  I'm so confused! Please help me.



Dear Crona, 

You are not bothering me! And that's totally fine dear :) 

Well seems like your in a predicament. First off, why is it bad to crush at a church? If anything that should be a good thing because both of you are in a well God based foundation to build a relationship in. Second off, What do you mean by you "think" you got him to say he loves you? ._. Please explain further on that and third, do you know for a fact that he likes her or is it just a rumor that keeps being passed on? I know this wasn't much help but I guess I do need more details on this to proceed. 


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