Scared to speak out and losing oneself

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The thing is is that im scared of telling someone... if i do then what if im on the news or something like "girl raped for 3 years!!!" I dont want to be known as the girl who got raped at school. What if im called a slut or something. Im already getting called ugly and people wanting to beat me up for no reason. I dont know what to do anymore.. ive been having suicidle thoughts too. Please write another chapter... i need to know someone really cares.. Deppression has taken over me. It made me hate the ones i love and im not who i used to be anymore. And now, its comeing in for the kill... Love, Rosie xoxo


Dear Rosie,

Dont be scared. you have to face your fears. look at it this way, you can either tell someone and feel like you again or dont tell and suffer countless years trying to be okay again. Not everything gets put on the news and I'm sure that that would be held private unless someone calls the news people and you tell people about it. Again, you won't be called a slut if people don't find out. The only people that should know is you, the person you tell, and possibly the police. Hun, you have to stay strong. People can go into a corner and deeply think about their word. They are just trying to get to you, don't let them. As for everything else, you need to seek help in order to get better. It will be okay once all this goes away.

Alex 3

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