I want to meet a guy I've been talking to from the internet.

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Dear Alex,

So, there is this guy that I've talked to on the Internet. I kind of formed a crush on him, and I told him. He didn't feel the same way back, but we still talk. My crush faded away and we've become pretty good friends. We talk almost every day. My cousin, who I have told about this boy, ran into him at a gas station. He doesn't live but an hour away from me. I really want to meet him, but my parents are wanting to be really careful. They don't know if they want us to meet. It's too soon to tell. I'm really disappointed and scared I won't be able to meet him. What should I do to stop fretting and being anxious? What if he doesn't want to meet me? What if my parents decide not to allow me to meet him? Btw, he's 16 and I'm 15. 

-Miss Anxious


Dear Miss Anxious, 

hm, well have you ever asked him if he ever wanted to meet you? That could take away one of your questions. If your parents don't allow you to meet him, then that's in their best intentions for your own safety. I mean, yeah your cousin bumped into him once but you don't really know this guy unless you guys have been talking since forever.. like I'm not just talking through text but like camera and all. Cuz sometimes that's the only way to know if someone is real or not too. And it's important to make sure that he's safe to meet and stuff. I'm talking no criminal history o.o No I'm not joking on that. You don't know if someone is a rapist or pedophile and all that. But you know, if your gut says he isn't then just go with your gut. It's not good to worry yourself when there really isn't anything to worry about. My advice to you is to not get your hopes up too high. I know you want to meet this guy but you are still a minor which means it's your parents decision for this to take place or not. 

Oh but if you wanna tip to get them to say yes. Then I would advise you to meet him with your parents close by to watch. So then that way, everyone feels more at ease with the situation. Especially your parents.

I hope this helped. 


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