Just because I'm a freshman?

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Dear Alex,

 I'm a freshman and a senior likes me, a lot actually. I kinda like him too, he is really nice to me, flirts with me all the time and is really cute.  But there are two problems. 1. My parents won't let me hang out with him, date him, or even stay after the volleyball games to talk to him in the parking lot. They say it's because he is a senior... 2. Well I'm one of the girls in the popular group I guess you could say and he doesn't have very many friends.. And some of my older friends tell me I can do a lot better and I shouldn't go for him. But his sister always tells me how happy he has been now that he has been talking to me..... *sigh* I just don't know what to do. I told him all the reasons why we wouldn't work out, but he doesn't care, he just wants to be with me... Meep, I don't know what to do please help me Alex.  

Sincerely, Freshman Probs


Dear Freshman Probs, 

1) What does him having to be a senior do anything? It's not like you guys are doing anything bad. 

2) Don't listen to what others say unless it's something really bad that you should watch out for.. lets say like if he was a player or something like that, then you should take that into consideration but if not then don't listen. They aren't the ones that are interested in him anyway. And if his sister is saying that then you know it has to be true. 

3) He sounds like a really good guy.. like any guy that says that is worth fighting for. I'd get him to meet your parents if I were you. Make a deal with your parents.. like if they like him you guys can date and if they don't like him then you will comply with them or something along those lines you know? c: Just try to convince them in a way and go from there cx 

I hope the best for you, 


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