How to get over someone calling you ugly

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Dear Alex,  

At times in my life, I have been called ugly by others. By many people actually. It didn't happen so often, but often enough that its been years and I still don't forget them. When I was in sixth grade, I had a friend who was "going out" (eleven year olds dating is not considered going out in my perspective) with a guy. Anyway she had a group of friends, and I was just tagging along. One person in the group decided to joke around with the idea of another person going out with me. When he heard that he screamed, at the top of his lungs, "WHAT?! SHE'S BUTT UGLY! I RATHER JUMP OF A BRIDGE BUTT NAKED THEN TO GO OUT WITH HER!" I was so embarrassed I couldn't speak. Now, I still think I'm ugly and can't get over it. It wasn't the fact that he called me ugly that bugged me, it was that if he sees me as ugly, sure enough others will to right? This is just one experience of many. How do I get over this? -Carrie 


Dear Carrie, 

First of all, you are not ugly. You are BEAUTIFUL. I don't have to see your face to know that. People in this world are cruel. I have encountered the same things as you have. Many people have called me ugly and I still remember them years down the line. And the only advice that I have to give you is, that you have to remind yourself that you are beautiful and nothing less from it. Their opinion of you should NOT matter. The way you see yourself is what really, truly matters. If you don't think your ugly then you aren't. And the beauty they see is only on the outside and what I think what pretty or anything else really is, is on the inside. And I know all of what I'm saying is cliche but it's also the truth. Who are they to say that you are ugly when them saying that means they don't have such a pretty inside. Even if a million people think you are ugly there are a billion more who say you are beautiful, how they view you and others says a lot about who they are. So don't listen to the people that call you ugly, they don't know what hidden beauty really looks like and trust me, underneath the barrier of words that taint your skin, I know there is someone beautiful. Don't let that extra skin of words ruin it. Ignore all those thoughts and focus on loving yourself. Take it a day at a time and focus on more positive comments that you were given than the bad. 


Alex <3

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