Love and differences

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Hi Alex, I need help.

(Duhh) Haha this is really ironic because I'm the person my friends go to for advice.  How do you stop liking someone? Because I am sick of being head over heels in love or a year and three months. Help!   Also, my best friend has like a thousand suitors, everyone has a crush on her all the time. It can get annoying I guess, but I just want to know how we are so different that she gets everyone and I don't think I've been liked in a year. I sound petty don't I... 

  Thanks, Petty and Alone  


Dear Petty and Alone,     

   First of all you are not petty or alone!! Okay?! Now for the problem at hand. You can't stop liking someone until you have cleared them out of your mind completely. You can't clear them out of your mind completely if you don't stop looking at them or if people stop mentioning them but you can't do that because sometimes that is not possible. So now your thinking okay? So what do I do? Well start liking someone else. To get over one crush you must like another. This seems the solution to many guy and girl problems. Also can be a bad thing.. but that isn't my point lol Well now I read the next line you write and you say you are in love with the person... SO WAIT didn't you just say stop "liking" them. Liking and being in love with someone is a whole different story. Your basically asking me how do I fall out of love? Have you ever heard someone.. I fell out of love because I forced myself to? You can't fall out of love by force just like you can't love someone by force either. It has to come naturally. But it could help if you direct your attention to other guys for a change instead of one.. but then again if you love this person have you told them?   

Next issue... I've had this issue before actually.. My best friend had a million guys all over her  and then there was me. Old average me.. I didn't get it.. but then I noticed that many other girls had many suitors then me and I still didn't get but I have come to realize just because all them guys be hanging on one girl doesn't mean they are actually "interested in her" you know what I mean? It's actually better for one guy to come along at the time. You know why? It makes it genuine and you will know that they are coming to you because they are emotionally and physically attracted to you and not just running around you like a lost puppy because of your body or looks. It can be a blessing to have a good looks sure but you got a think, isn't that annoying to some girls? The answer is yes, yes it is. I ask that to my best friend and that was her answer. So you see it can be a curse too because a lot of those guys are creeps that just wanna get in the girls pants. You definitely don't want that. So just be positive. God is saving the right one for you okay? I believe that will my whole heart.   

Also one more thing. Everyone is different. That's what makes us different in every way. You can't be like your friend. Don't be like your friend. Guys view each of us differently. For me.. they looked at my friend like she was beautiful but when I wore her clothes? I was called  a slut. Society is as fucked up as dog crap being splattered all over the back seat of a car. lol But that's what happens. Don't get yourself down because of it. You keep your head up and you worry about you and not about your friend.    Much love to you, Alex

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