Building courage

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Hey alex (:

So I really need your help. In eighth grade this guy Dominic sat in front of me in my 2nd period. He was really sweet and nice. He's super smart and tall. I think tall guys are really attractive. Towards the middle of the year, I started to kind of like him. He had a girlfriend and he would always ask me if he got her the right presents for surprise gifts and weekaversaries and stuff. He didn't really know I liked him. Then our teacher switched our seats and he sat across the room from me, and that was the only class we had together. We totally stopped talking and we only made awkward eye contact. One day I heard that him & his girlfriend broke up and I was happy. Then the next day, he was taking to one if his friends (who has always told me that me and Dominic would make a cute couple) And said to me "Kassidi do you think that there's something wrong with Dominic's face?" My friend Aydee yelled "No she thinks he's cute" so his friend told him that I liked him and by the time I was sat in my seat, everyone knew. For the last 30 minutes of class, we were allowed to sit wherever we wanted so he sat a couple of seats in back of me where his friends were. I was talking and then all of a sudden I heard one of his friends say "Damn Dominic a cheerleader!?" I started blushing like crazy and he was like laughing and blushing. On the last day of school, all of my friends were telling their crushes that they liked them so I was like "what the hell might as do it iotay last day of middle school." So I went up to him after school an he was smiling and blushing and looking down at me and I was making a complete fool of myself and I didn't even end up telling him I liked him! I kind of just went all awkward penguin. So I didn't see him all 3 months of summer and then I recently started high school. Oh the joy right? Well I was in lunch and I made I eye contact with him and we both started blushing like mad. He was smiling and I was kind of like being really awkward. The first week of school passed and we haven't said a word to each other. I want to try to build up the courage to talk to him but I'm just this really awkward self conscious person and I'm really scared. He's tall and has blue eyes and the only bad thing about him is he's a pothead D: but I can look past that (; I really need you're help Alex!

Love, a very awkward unattractive Kassidi (: <3


Dear Kassidi, 

First, don't call yourself unattractive v.v 

Second of all.... OMG. SO CUTE! Sorry it's just cute, all of it C: But I'm going to guess the advice part you need is how to build up the courage to talk to him.. well, what I recommend you to do is pick a day that your most confident (like make sure you feel good.. one of the days your not self concious) and walk up to him and just be yourself and then when you guys talk more or hang out more then just tell him that you like him. It seems like he likes you back so their isn't any reason to be so shy about opening up to him. There isn't anything wrong with being a awkward person, I'm sure everything will be okay if you just be yourself. c:


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