Two friends liking one guy, uh oh

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Ok so I like this boy his name is Brandon and I don't know if he likes me back. But after I told my bestfriend that I like him she said she had a small crush on him she is outgoing and flirty and I'm quite and weird how do I get to him first and how do I approach him? What do I say

~~ from Confused


Dear Confused, 

Well being you is always a plus and you shouldn't look at this as a competition or race to see who gets the boy first. And this could ruin your friendship with your best friend if your not careful. To be honest if you want him then go after him. Randomly invite him to go hang out with a couple of friends or something then you can go from there. Or are you friends with one of his friends? Because if you are you can totally go up to that friend when he's around and ask him something and then say hi to Brandon and start a convo and then ask him to hang out and stuff with your friend so at least you guys can spend time together c: Steps like these will lead you to hanging more often and maybe even going on dates if you take the right steps. Show him a little that you like him and make him notice that you want him to want you in a really sneaking way cx 

I hope this helped, 


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