Feeling left out

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Hi Alex,

At school, I'm known as the nerd who gets every question right, sucks at sport...you know the cliché ones? 

Well...yeah. I had two friends, Maya and Carla-Anne but Maya left to go to Scotland where she was born. Then, me and Carla-Anne became even closer and then, it turned out that Carla-Anne had moved next-door...by coincidence! We became stuck like glue :) Oh, happy days! The next year, when we went to a different class in a different year group, she started playing with other really nice people. I felt left-out because when I joined in, she would barely pay attention to me :'(  So, I played with another girl called Anna. 

1 year later(2012)...

I became super close with Carla-Anne's friends! And lucky, Carla-Anne's other best-friend, Vivienne was on my table! :D But when our teacher lets us sit wherever we want, Carla-Anne always come and sits next to Vivienne and starts talking to her when I'm on the table as well!

 :'( I always feel left out when Vivienne and Carla-Anne are talking...even a rage of jealousy takes me over and I feel like slapping Vivienne but...she's so innocent and nice and playful to me :'( 

When we play games together, Carla-Anne ALWAYS pays more attention to Vivienne than me... Please help me! :'(



Dear Left-Out,

                    Well sweetie I just want to say that sometimes friends drift apart and some friends change all the time. But I will say there is hope to your situation. Have you ever tried joining in their conversations? I know how it is to feel left out in a group of people, friends, or just one person.. Its awkward and uncomfortable but I learned over time that many people don't show others the attention they deserve because they don't really know what to say to you. Try to jump into their convo and see where that takes you. If she ends up ignoring you altogether then maybe she isn't your friend after all. It's better to find others to talk to and not push you off like you weren't friends in the first place. I also think since you and Vivienne are friends too that she should make a effort to include you when talking or whatever you guys maybe are doing. People may not even realize you feel this way so maybe you should tell them how you feel as well. Nothing should be bottled up and thrown away. I hope I've helped you with the best of my abilities! And good luck to you! 

          Alex <3

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