Eyes for another

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Dear Alex,

Here's the thing I really like a guy he's popular, cool and hot. I'm the nerd a complete nerd and I think he liked me back, exotic couple I know but know there's a new girl In our class and he called her hot and a babe and it broke my heart literally and I want to know what to do? Please help!!!

Sincerely desperate love


Dear desperate love, 

Well, do you know how guys are? They aren't blind, they have eyes, and they will use it too. If he really liked you, then he would go for you. But as of calling another girl hot and a babe.. well it could be just her looks that have attracted him. If he ends up going up to her and flirting with her or something, that's when you should start to worry. If that happens, you just turn the other cheek and walk away and move on. If he really liked you back he wouldn't do that. I'm not really sure what you can do in that situation. Don't lose sleep over it because most guys are like that. Doesn't mean they like them, just lusting over them.


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