How to be more confident

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Dear Alex,

How do I become more confident and less insecure about my self? I have been told numerous times that ' You have a BIG nose' , ' Your fat' , ' Why is your hair so curly and frizzy', and so on. I am a 13 year old girl who weighs 110 lbs. I don't think that is that heavy for my age group. Or is it? I rarely can look and the mirror and think. ' Wow I look really pretty today' Is there a way I can boost my confidence?

Sincerely, A-Teen-who-wants-to-feel-better-about-herself.


Dear A-Teen-who-wants-to-feel-better-about-herself,

Well firstly, don't listen to all of that stuff people say. I know personally that it may hurt but use it as your strength and not your weakness. I've been called a lot of things numerous times and yeah I take it to heart a lot but from one girl to another, you are just beautiful the way you are. You are not heavy for your age group. 

Now I can't really tell you what you can do but I can tell you what I do to help me with the confidence boost. I usually put something on that makes me feel good or pretty. Jewelry or a new haircut, dying your hair, or putting on makeup helps me with my confidence. You have to make yourself feel pretty hun. Your not going to feel pretty if your wearing a big white stained shirt and ripped jeans are you? Explore some styles in your hair if you don't like it. Exercise a little more if you feel fat. It's about how you see yourself and not what others think about you. If you don't feel pretty each day then ask yourself what would make you feel pretty. Does that make sense?

I hope this helps O.O 


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