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Hey Alex! Just need some advice from you. How do I write a good description. I am horrible at descriptions, and my descriptions don't seem to attract many readers. So I need help finding a good description. Hope I get an answer from you soon :) 

from, Crystal


Dear Crystal, 

Well I'm not so good with a good with descriptions either but from the many that I have read.. you just have to keep it short, sweet, and simple. You want to attract the reader in and not make them nod off. Make sure you are giving the reader something to look forward to but not give so much away.. do you know what I mean? You could do this by picking something from the book to put as your description but then leave them off with a cliffhanger. I feel this works if you have like a suspense book or something... With love stories you can describe the characters or like that first meet up and stuff.. but yeah that's all the advice I can give you o.o 

Hope this helps, 


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