I want him to ask me to a dance

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Dear Alex,

 I'm homeschooled but last year I wasn't and there was this boy there and I'm still like good friends with him I talk to him like everyday. I'm not sure if he likes me but I really like him. I want him to ask me to his schools home coming dance but he's the kind of guy who would rather stay at home than get the courage to ask me even if he wanted to. How do I tell him I want him to ask me so he'll understand.... (Because even though he is smart he cannot take a hint).... But not make it to obvious?

 Sincerely,  Hopeful Yet Confused


Dear Hopeful Yet Confused, 

Hmmm Well I would ask him if he was going with anyone first... or you could ask him hypothetically if he would go with you? Or you can ask him if he's going and then tell him you wish you could go and stuff and that's a lot of hints right there and gives him the oppurtunity to ask you. Other than that hun I'm not sure what else you could do.. .-. 

But I still hope this helps you in some way.. 


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