Does he have feelings for me?

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Hi Alex! I was scrolling through Wattpad when I saw your advice column so I thought, why not ask her for advice? :)

I've liked this boy for about nine and a half months now — we’re close, we talk, we text and we tweet on almost a daily basis.

There are a couple of times when he made me thing he liked me back — one was when he got jealous when I cheered for another player from his basketball team. Another time was when he was so sweet with me when my father was around for basketball practice. And the last time he made me think he liked me back was when he made me feel special on my birthday — on that special day, he held my hand before I entered a quiz bee then he hugged me and said those three little words.

But then, I find out he had a girlfriend in early December who happens to be the girl I despised the most. They had an on and off relationship for about three months and they're officially over since summer started.

Then, he starts talking to me again.

He got me all confused and I don't want to get heartbroken in the end. Do you think he'll have feelings for me too?

Thanks, Alex! x

— Confused Crazy Chic


 Dear Confused Crazy Chic,

               Hello! I'm glad you stopped by to ask me :D I'm always gracious with a new person with something new to ask (: But any-who that's a really long time to like someone, almost a year actually. But it seems that there could be feelings there fur-sure. Just because someone has or is in a relationship doesn't mean that they don't or are attracted to someone else. The thing with it, is that when he is in a relationship he won't be able to be with you in that way but now that he is single he might be able to act on it, if he chooses to. But it seems like he is if he said those three little words? That's just my guess. I think that love is a funny thing too because you never really know if they mean it deeply and sincerely or they are just messing with your head. This being said, I don't want you to think about this too much. You shouldn't get confused and I don't want you heartbroken in the end either. The best chances for you are to just ask him. Ask him if he likes you because if you don't, then you will only keep wondering if he does and then you will only get confused some more. Don't make things complicated for yourself. (: 

I hope this helps you out (:


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