How to survive high school

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Dear Alex,

So i recently moved to a new place and its hundreds of miles from anyone i know (well used to know) and i have no friends. Its not really a big deal because im going into the first year of high school so i won't know anyone anyway. I pretty much just need advise on making friends and how to act in high school un general! Oh and Well my sister (who is almost 16) said most pretty girls become really bitchy once they get boys attention. And since im always getting told im really pretty,im worried that im gonna become a right b*tch like loads of other girls :/


From, NewStart


Dear NewStart, 

Well the most important way to act in high school is TO BE YOURSELF. Not anyone else. Don't listen to trends, rumors, etc. The way you survive is to be yourself. Don't be a fake even when people call you fake. High school is tough but focus on school and stuff. Having friends isn't a major priority. Hang with the right people nonetheless. Make sure these people are going to shape you to be a good person and not a bad person. I would avoid people that gossip too much and start drama because they will only cause you problems in the long run. The way to make friends in high school really is simply easy.. just start talking to the people around you.. complement them on something or find a common ground.. ask if they are just as nervous as you are and so on. Really, a small gesture or word to someone and BOOM you got yourself a friend cx Just try to relax and have fun! :) With the whole girls turning into bitches.. well some do.. You won't really have to worry about that if you stay with the right group of friends and be with the right guys to be honest.. if you stay humble and keep your ego low, then you don't have to worry about that. Tho I do have to warn you.. girls will get jealous if your pretty.. don't stoop down to their level okay? Just don't. Be one step above them at all times. If your worried then it won't happen.. just make sure at the end of the school year you are the person that you said you would be instead of the person you wouldn't be.

Love Alex :)

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