Invasion of Privacy

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Dear Alex,

ok so my brother and cousin are always spying on me ,to see what I'm doing on my iPad. It's Annoying! They always say 'Your hiding something'. But hey a girl needs her privacy. How do I tell them to stop??? What do I do? Please Help Me!

Yours Truly, Trinity


Dear Trinity, 

Well whenever someone does this to me I basically tell them to back off. It's none of their business but if they tell you that you are hiding something be like "I'm not hiding anything, go ahead and look for yourself." Usually this brings them to be like wth? you would really trust me enough to do that and stuff? Most of the time they end up leaving you alone about it. One time is usually enough for them to satisfy their curious minds and then leave you alone. So if they want to see what you are doing let them on occasion. That way, you don't seem like your hiding anything and then you can get the privacy you deserve. I feel you on this and I hope these tips helped :)


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