Mr. Popular, I want to take you to a dance

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Dear Alex,

So there's this guy I like.... I've literally liked him since the first moment I saw him. Although..  I guess you could consider him "popular" and I'm just one of the average kids at school. The only reason I've gotten to really know him and love his personality was because some of thw popular kids are my friends. He is super funny and so adorable. My problem was that he didn't like me for a long time and this week he started staring and smiling at me. I donno if this is his way of trying to be friends or him liking me back. I just don't know if he likes me.... I really want to go to the dance with him in two months but I just dont wanna ask him if he doesn't like me. HELP! 

-From Samz


Dear Samz, 

Well to be honest it doesn't matter if someone is popular or not. Were all human and it may seem there's no chance cuz he is popular but if a guy is really decent he won't care about status, you know what I mean? 

And idk he probably is just being friendly but I don't know whats going on in his mind. Just spend more time with him and stuff and also with the dance in two months, you still have time and I think you should ask him no matter what. Don't let the fear of rejection get to you. Guys are unpredictable and girls are too and you'll never know until you try. c:


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