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dear alex,

where do i begin?? alot has happened. First of all i like this guy who is 2 years older than me... his dad and my dad work together...his little brother and my brother are best friends our moms talk to! everyone is all friends and then its me and him... well i started texting him and we started talking and my mom said i had to stop texting him! i was mad but i did. and a month later i texted him off my bffs phone. then i started hanging with my bff every day talking to him and we got really close. then my mom found out and i got in trouble ): the day after my family and his hung out. we were cuddling and i was on his lap so my parents got the hint we werent jyst friends (my parents knew i liked him but thought he didnt like me) any way we walked away and kissed!!! i was so happy after that my parents talked to me about y we cant be together. the age difference. im in 9th hes in 11th...he can drive and thag freaks out my parents...then acouple days later my mom kept telling me not to do anything stupid kuz ill end up pregnant and my mom is scared he will sneak over or ill sneak out. i know what ur probs thinkin...my life is crazy yea ik but i love him abd want to be with him all nivht he kept saying i wush ur parents didnt care. i miss him everyday and cry at love songs i do love him. i have tried everything with my patents in a year he is graduating i just started high school and my parents say when  im our if hs i can date him but thats in 4 years! i cant wait. i die if i dont c him in a week. 4 years is way to long. so yea idk what to do. i cant convince my parents even tho they both like him. im lost please help!

from fallin in love


Dear fallin in love, 

This sounds kind of complicated but I'll try my best to give you some advice. Well it seems your parents are worried for a reason and it's just your job to convince them they can be wrong about it. How about not being around each other unless someone else in the house or room? So then all the suspicion is out the window. I know what your thinking... but where's the privacy? Where is the trust? It's not going to be easy at first to convince your parents that you are trusting enough but hun in all honestly they are in their right minds. See what people don't understand is that once you have privacy as a teenager... things happen. Now see, kissing and making out is fine but they do lead to other things. And as a person I would tell you that it's never really good to date at your age because you do make stupid mistakes along the way. Just like your parents, I don't want you to get pregnant. Now I don't know how the other guy is or how he is around you but you can't be too cautious around a guy because at the end of the day that guy is still going to have teenage hormones and one day you guys could be alone and then the next day your going to the store for plan B. So with that being said I know it hurts to be away from each other for while but they just said you can't date him til after high school which I think is reasonable because he's older than you. Meaning he's going to go to college and your going to be in high school still. He might meet girls at the college and want to do some stupid stuff that if you were in a relationship, that would scar you for life. And yeah I know what your thinking. If we were in a relationship none of that would happen but on the contrary my dear, there is still the possibly of it happening. Sometimes on purpose and sometimes accidental. You want to keep your heart safe... so I would just avoid that situation altogether. And look on the bright side of things. If you guys can wait that long to have a real relationship then you can last a long long long time in a relationship. Love has no experation date. There isn't any reason to rush things. Obstacles like these only can make two people stronger.  Just compromise with your parents still. I don't think it's right that you guys can't text or can't really see each other. I think it's okay to be around each other while around people... kind of like a courtship. If your parents still have a problem even agreeing to that then there's more than what they are leading you on with. Also one last thing with this whole sneaking out or sneaking in deal.. you have to remind them if you don't give freedom to your children that is exactly what will happen. Which that in itself is a good argument to make.  But yeah... that's all I can really say about this situation of yours. But I really wish you the best of luck!

Alex :D

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