To be friends or not to be. That is the question.

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Dear Alex,

I saw your advice column thingy and I wondered if you could give me some advice..? Well basically I'm in 10th grade and me and this girl were bet friends from 1st grade to 6th grade but when we reached middle school things started to mess up. We made new friends and sort of drifted apart. We were still sitting in one big group, though. Well she accused me of stealing one of her friends away from her - and threatened me. On text. Eventually we sorted it all out but things were never the same. She was always picking fights and trying to make me jealous. But whatever she did, we always ended up forgiving her. And, for the past year I've been saying to my close friends and family whenever they enquired about her that I hated her and I was only friends with her to be civil. And the reason I'm asking you for advice is because she has invited me to her birthday sleepover party. I fear that if I say yes she will take it that we're back to how we were and he probably cause trouble later in the year. And, also if I say yes it will be embarrassing when I've been blabbing that we're not friends to everyone yet now we are suddenly. But if I say no will I regret it? Should I put the past behind me and start again? It's like she has this magnetic force and she's always expecting us to come back to her!! Please help!! I don't know what to do x( you dont have to help but advice much appreciated, thanks :)

from CrazyPumpkin


Dear CrazyPumpkin, 

Well I think you shouldn't go. Seems like everywhere you turn with her there is drama. I think if you do go to this sleepover that she will think what you are thinking that she might think lol that was a mouthfull. But honestly if you don't want to be friends with a person or your just being civil with them even though you know the friendship has already sailed long ago then you shouldn't try to patch things up anymore. If all she is going to do is pick fights with you and make you jealous then what kind of friendship are you guys having? No friend should want to start a fight or make their friend jealous. What is her reason for doing so? You should never do bad to your friend, only good. Don't regret anything in your life. You do everything because you once wanted to. If you miss this party what's there really to miss? I don't want you to go and then more drama unfold you know? I try to stay away from drama with people and avoid it as much as I can, so I think you should too. Stick by your word. You say she isn't a friend but then you still hang out with her.. to most people that's concidered fake and I don't want you to be called fake. 

I hope this helped some. 


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