Is he changed?

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My old boyfriend was the best guy ever... Until the day he cheated on me an then broke up with me before I knew about it. I tried very hard to get over him and just when I thought I finally did, he came crawling right back into my life. The biggest problem with this, though, is that I really like this new him... I really really like him. He apologized several times and even asked my mom if he could take me to his homecoming and was planning on meeting my dad. So what's the problem? I should just be with him right? Apparently wrong. Everyone hates him because of his unfortunate past and keeps telling me not to even think about him. Somewhere in the mix of things I even sometimes think they're right. Maybe people can't change, or maybe he hasn't. But I so desperately don't want to believe these things. And on top of it all my parents don't want me to date home. What should I do. Follow my heart or my brain?

Dizzy Dreamer


Dear Dizzy Dreamer, 

Well I have one thing to say before I tell you anything and it's that DON'T LISTEN TO OTHER PEOPLE. So what if they hate him? They're not the ones that are around him all the time. They aren't the ones dating him or liking him or whatever, you are. In that alone I would say follow your heart. Next thing is that what you said about cheating, you gave me a message prior to this one entirely different from that word. To be honest I don't think that what he did was right and I kinda agree with him saying that you shouldn't be taking him back and all that and find that a little sketchy too because it seems like he's running on guilt and its just eating him away and he wants to make things right. So let him make things right. If he wants to show you that he's good enough then give him a second change but keep that in mind if he blows it then don't give him another. You deserve way more than that if he blows it a second time. I too believe people can change but it takes time for them to change and all you can do is watch them prove to you that they are different. Which would be my advice. Follow your heart but also recognize all the signs that say that he is different than who he was before. If that makes sense. 


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