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Dear Alex,          Hi! I just wanted to ask a quick question, a guy whom I've had a complicated past with asked me to junior prom, what should I say? He and I are a bit more than friends so to say, but its just junior prom, I'll have another chance next year.                                                                



Dear Indecisive,         

 Well I think you should go. Like you said there's always another chance next year right? If this one doesn't exactly meet your expectations than maybe next year's will. You can always go twice hehe This is if you aren't waiting for someone else to ask you ? o.0 But I don't want you to keep waiting on a log for the person. I say take a chance. It could be fun :D Shoot I would say that you are lucky.. no one asked me to prom and well I didn't go :/ So yeah, say yes :D hehe   

Dancing on a dance floor somewhere,       Alex

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