Being invisible to Brothers Best friend

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Dear Alex, 

        I really like my brothers best friend and he said he likes me but it's like I'm invisbile to him. What should I do without trying to make me be the center of his world?!




Dear Ronnieroo15,

                I just have to ask, how does he make you feel invisible? Is he not showing you interest like after he said he likes you or is it that he is just too busy to get around to you? Sometimes the way you feel isn't really whats happening to you up close. Also the way you feel has something to do with the way he's treating you. I need to know how you feel invisible before I can help you further .-. 

But for now lets say he's not giving you any attention. You can't be clingy to a guy. Guys DO NOT like that. You need to give him his space and if he is interested he will come to you. I mean, it's all good if you say hello here and there and if he picks up the conversation then thats awesome. Try physically getting his attention too. I am not saying to punch him or whatever but like a brush of the shoulder.. basically slight contact can get his attention. BUT don't do that ALL the time. 

What is the center of his world? A lot of guys have something to focus on and usually if that happens then the last thing they put to the back of the mind is a girl or a relationship. This is kind of a tough situation to be in because of the lack of attention which is the main factor we are sorting through right now. 

If you don't want to be the center of his world then you don't have to be but if he is really interested in you, he would make the effort to show you a little love and effection. Do you get what I'm saying?

Another way to get a guys attention is through love and yet love isn't just the emotion you feed him but also the little things too.. Like making his favorite food. You can do that and he will see how amazing you are that you went through all that trouble. Sometimes all it takes is a little push to get that pull you need (:

I hope this helped and get to me on what I asked if you can


Alex :)

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