Is he really what people make him out to be?

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Dear Alex,

So this guy I like...he became so sweet. Like he would hug me, and call me pretty. And I gave him this little Teddy Bear.

Now a bunch of people are telling me he doesn't like me, that he's just using me. That he makes fun of me behind my back. That he's done stuff like this to other girls.

I'm so confused!

Please help!



Dear Jessi, 

He became? Are you saying he once wasn't like this before? Becuase if he wasn't like this before then I would kind of listen to those people. But if he was sweet in the first place this is my advice to you. Do you feel like he is using you? Do you feel like he makes fun of you behind your back? Because if you feel that in your heart then I would listen to it. But if you really don't know what to believe you should talk to him about what others are saying. Ask him if he has done this to other girls but you'll have to be careful with this option because you could hurt him or insult him.. or ask the people who those girls are and ask them. I want to protect your heart so you have to keep your guard up. There is at times where people are right about someone.. only by chance are they wrong. Guys do happen to do what people are telling you he's doing also so I would just watch out either way. Talk to him or just decide not to listen to others, the choice is always up to you. 


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