Falling apart

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First of all it's my parents.

I always try to impress them with doing something I'm passionate about but it's like I'm never good enough! It's like my younger brother always is the favorite... I've been good in everything I've tried but still I'm not good enough. My brother trains karate now and they always meet up at the training. When I did stuff before they only came once in a while. My mother is the worst. She doesn't even support me in my biggest dream! She just give me a weird look and laugh! It's heartbreaking for me to know that she never will support me! I get bullied at school every single day. I've told my mother but it's like she doesn't care! I tried to commit suicide some years back, but it didn't work. This year have just been worse. My friends left me. My dog that I've had since I was born passed away. I've been called names like whore, fatty, bitch and loser by my best friend. Everything is just falling apart. My cutting have just gotten worse. Mom and dad still doesn't care. 

I need help!!!




Dear saddestgirlintheworld, 

Well firstly.... *hugs you* I know.. that sucks.. but just imagine me hugging you okay? :) If anything.. just know that you are loved. By me, if not anyone else. 

I know how it feels to not be the favorite.. to have a parent love a different sibling more than you. But the only thing I can give advice on, is to be all that you can be. If your parents don't see you for the shinning star that you are than the best way to show them something of yourself is becoming something of yourself. You have my full support. I want you to go out and reach for your dreams the best way you can! I have had people not support me. I know what it feels like to be looked down apon. It sucks.. it stings but I've always said this to people and to myself. If I love what I do, then nothing else matters. So if you love what you do, then nothing else should matter. Surround yourself with positive energy even when the world is crumbling at your feet. I live what I preach. D-don't try to commit suicide.. it may be a way to escape reality but it doesn't challenge you. You should be challenged every day of your life  (well not everyday) to teach your kids. To show them who you are from what you experienced. These things that you are going through aren't going to last forever. They are just minor set backs in life. I already talked to you about this. But one friend is enough to get you through life. Its very possible. If you have no friends, you have me. Just come to me any time and I will be there. I'm always up late and always up early. So if I don't reply.. it may be because I'm sleeping but I don't think it will take long before I reply cuz I'm always checking my phone. So yeah, I'll be there if you need me. Even if its just for me to listen and for you to cry. I'm sorry about your dog :/ But you know, you can always get another one. I know your last one can't be replaced.. but just for company sake, you know? Don't listen to those people or person. They are just low life's trying to start drama that doesn't need to be started. Most of the time those people are going through tough times just like you are. Turn away from that all. You don't need that. You are beautiful. You are an hour glass that holds sand. You may get turned over again and again but as long as you aren't smashed, you will forever keep living. Don't let anyone smash the beauty in you love okay? Life is terrible sometimes. But take it from someone who cares and knows what it's like to be flipped and rusted up.. broken and cracked. Life gets better. You just have to keep holding on for me okay? Hold on for everything your future is meant to be. You got this girl. I believe in you. 

Alex <3

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