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After yet another hectic week I had,I ask Getty to join me with Joy for brunch at a restaurant. We got there,ordered,we were served and started eating. "Sisi don't look now,but there's a guy seated not so far behind you...he has been watching you since we got here" Getty says while sipping her juice.
"How do you know that he's looking at me when he's facing you?"I ask with an eyebrow shot up. "He was looking at you when you went to the restroom and when you came back. Sisi ngiyaktshela (sister I'm telling you) he's been starring at you." She says with a bored look on her face.
"Okay keh (then) but is he at least handsome?" I have to ask bandla. "Well yena muhle (he is handsome) and ugqoke kahle (well dressed)" she wiggles her eyebrows and I laugh coz WOW uGetty.
I decide to take a look at my I turn my head,our eyes lock and ohh Merciful God am I not blushing. I look away instantly cause damn bruh the guy is just saucy. It seems like he is having a meeting over brunch with 3 associates. She gives me a questioning look and I sip on my cranberry juice ignoring her.

An intoxicating masculine cologne hits my nostrils before the chair in front of me,which Getty had occupied is pulled open. "We meet again MaDlamini" he smiles revealing his perfect white teeth.What is it with Zulu gents and clan names if its not that then they address women according to their maiden names.
Not that I'm complaining,with the way he's saying it its hard not be flashed.

"Weren't you in a meeting?" I ask turning to his table to still see his associates seated and discussing.
"I was but now I'm here with you" he nonchalantly says "mmh unjani (how are you) Nqobimpi Ndlovu?" The conversation goes on about random things and him telling me that he couldn't focus in that meeting because I was "distructing" him.
"Where's Nonjabulo?" He asks, "getting her diaper changed by her nanny" I answer. "Is it not her mother who's supposed to do that?" I snort before saying "there's a reason why she has a nanny."
"Angilwi (I'm not fighting) MaDlamini" he chuckles lifting his hands up to surrender. Seconds later I see Getty and Joy sitting a table away from us,"I think you should go,you have chased away my company." "So in retaliation you are chasing me away?" He asks with a shocked expression and a hand where he's heart is. 
"Before I go,can I please get your numbers?" He pulls out an IPhone,I think of giving him a run for his money but decide against it. After punching in my numbers he asks to see uJoy. I signal to Getty to let him hold her,she leaves her in his arms and comes to sit across me. A few minutes later,he stands up to bring her to us and ohh my days is he not FINE.
He's wearing black dress pants,black Versace dress shoes and a white shirt. He unbuttoned the first 2 buttons,rolled up his sleeves and an expensive time piece rests on his left wrist well it looks expensive.
"Ahem" he clears his throat,bringing me back to my senses. A smirk covers his face making me realize that he caught me drooling over him. "It was nice seeing you lovely ladies" he says and stalks off to his table. "Baby girl ngathi usone (looks like you have a) stepfather manje (now)" She baby talks to Nonjabulo and I give her a death stare. She laughs,like really laugh.

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