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We won the case yey,as difficult as it was,we were victorious in the end. I'm supposed to head back today but I got invited to some fancy dinner by my client's brother who was intrigued by me or is it my mean streak in a court of law? I wouldn't know. INCOMING VIDEO  CALL from Gatsheni...

As I answer I'm faced with his dark handsome face.
Him: "and then manje(now)". He asks assessing my outfit.
Me: "I'm going for a swim hau" im only wearing a robe ontop and underneath it is a bikini. The robe is slightly open on the chest area so i guess one would assume that I'm naked under it.
Him: "such a shame that you will be wet   without me being there or touching you". He lowly yet seductively says these words.
Me: "ohh my days...what am I going to do with you Nqobi?" My mind is now filled with dirty thoughts all thanks to him.
Him: "use me to reach your high." It was a damn rhetorical question idiot. Even over the phone he still maintains a stare and what I'm I doing you might ask,I'm blushing while trying so hard to wash away all these dirty thoughts.
Him: " so at what time should I be expecting you?" Just like that we are back on topic.
Me: "eish about that im coming back on Friday sorry." The frown on his face doesn't go unnoticed.
Him: " if you don't mind me asking why?" 
Me: "cause the case took a drastic turn so Moreen and I have to stay but the junior lawyers are coming back." I lie...well to an extent. About the 2 junior lawyers going back that's true and my PA is staying cause she got invited with me.

Coming back from the pool,I hear someone calling my name "Simphiwe! Your honour! Simphiwe" the Your honour part has me in stitches. I turn around to be met by Thapelo Ledwaba and 2 of his friends. He's the reason I couldn't go back home...the dinner is taking place on Thursday.

"Fancy seeing you here Miss lawyer" he says "I will be staying at this hotel since you hijacked my trip" I jokingly answer back. "You know I wouldn't mind having you as my guest in my house" the conversation goes on after I decline his offer. His reason for being here is because one of this friends,the light skinned one.

Okay all three of them are light skinned but this friend looks like a coloured he even has curly hair. Anyways the coloured laiti is here to see his girlfriend. And manje sebaya khaphana cabanga, sesi khaphana nomo sesi yojola (now they are accompanying him imagine, we are accompanying each other to dates now).

Him and I have lunch,in between our meals he's flirting bro I'm used to flirting man whoes like you and I definitely know how to turn them down...flirtatious that is.

Yesterday I spent the whole day being cooped up in my hotel room,tonight we going clubbing with Moreen's varsity friends. Potchefstroom is her hometown so she has been bumping into a lot of old flames and friends since we got here. At some encounters I didn't wish to be her,imagine having to fake a smile and a laugh every now and then. It could never be me.

I'm wearing a V-neck glittery silver short dress,paired up with rhinestone heeled slingback pumps and a matching black clutch bag. Upon arriving at the club,we are ushered to the VIP section and the alcohol comes flowing in. Damn it feels great to be at a club and drinking again.

A few minutes later,Thapelo and his crew come to join us. The coloured laiti goes straight to Moreen and asks her to stand up so she could sit on his lap. There's definitely something going on between these 2 otherwise she wouldn't be blushing like a damn love sick teenager.

I take my clutch bag from the seat next to me and put it on my lap so Thapelo can sit. I feel some vibration coming from inside my bag,I retrieve my phone from inside the bag to only be slapped in the face by 5 missed calls from the one and only GATSHENI.
As I'm still contemplating what to do,it rings again and my fingers move quick to answer the call.

Me: "hello...hello Nqobi." I can't hear what he is saying over this loud music,lemme quickly go to the restrooms maybe its not so loud there.
Me: "Nqobi can you hear me now?" I ask now in a toilet stall.
Him: "where are you?" I have gotten used to his manners,when he calls don't expect any greetings from him,he just gets straight to the point.
Me: "uhhm why are you asking?"
Him: "Simphiwe ngithe ukhuphi (I said where are you)?" Okay he never calls me by my full name,shukuthi (it means) he's pissed. What do I tell him? 
Him: "okay sharp since you can't answer that can you at least tell me your hotel room number?" How is that going to help with anything.
Me: "Nqobi you are in GP...kwenzakalani (what's going on)?"
Him: "I'm booked at the same hotel as you,ngiyaphinda futhi ngiyabuza Simphiwe ukhuphi (I will ask you again where are you)?" Ohh shit this is why I don't like surprises,they never end well.
Me: "ngiyeza manje (I'm coming now)" I quickly say,my voice laced with embarrassment.

I run back to our spot,well I try to be as fast as my tipsy legs can be. I tell Moreen that I'm leaving and will see her tomorrow morning at the hotel. Since I don't have a ride and I'm very much tipsy Thapelo offers to drive me to the hotel.

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