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We have finally landed,siya eMaritzburg eHayfields kwaMaNdlovu to drop off uJoy then we will be on our to the rurals kwaBab'Gwala. Nqobi is still on mute,at this point I don't even bother myself by initiating a conversation or pleading for him to speak to me. Bathi It is what it is so there's nothing I can do.

"Unjani mntanami?" That's my mother in law hugging me. "Ngiyaphila nina ninjani ma?" I respond enthusiastically. She pulls away from the hug but still holds me close to her,I see tears pooling up in her eyes and I furrow my eyebrows in both concern and confusion. "I'm just happy to see you here. I really thought that my son has lost this precious jewel" she says wiping away her tears. Nqobi who's been standing next to me waiting for his mother to at least acknowledge his presence,scoffs then walks away.

"Nqobi,ngeke uvele uthelekhe kwam. Awungibolisi ngani? And bring my granddaughter to me" she yells at him but guy just keeps on walking with Nonjabulo in his arms totally ignoring her. She puts her hands on my bump and stares at my face. "How many months left?" She asks, "1 ma" I answer excitedly,I can't wait to deliver this baby. My smile is soon wiped off as I remember that I may have gambled with my child's life.  I wont forgive myself if something happens to this baby. When she picks up my mood,she inquires about it but I assure her that its nothing I'm just tired.

Nqobi seriously deserves an Oscar because wow man can act eyy. Dude was in such a good mood,he was talking and laughing with his mother. If I were to tell her that he straight up didn't talk for the past 4hours or so she wouldn't believe me. Nqobi explained to her that this isn't a social visit therefore we had to leave,she tried asking what was happening but Nqobi only said "there's something that we need to handle ngokukhulu ukushesha" and that was our escape.

Finally we reach our final destination,we are parked inside Bab'Gwala's yard. Like most rural homesteads,its huge and consists of multiple houses. We see a rondavel on our right and im assuming that that is his ancestral hut. Nqobi opens the car door for me and we both walk side by side with him holding my hand. As we near the hut,Bab'Gwala comes out wearing his "uniform." "Ungangena phakathi ndodakazi" he says looking at me and confusion musks my face. Me alone? Like mina k'phela? I turn to look at Nqobi hoping he could help me understand what's happening but he isn't looking at me nor does his face show any emotion.

"I can't let you enter my hut with this much anger. Son your emotions are unsettling my spirit,I will ask you to take a walk to cool down then you may join us" he says,yhoo he's still angry namanje. Haike uNqobi! Clap once. "Ngiyakuzwa baba" he says letting go of my hand. I look at him one more time,wanting to know that he will be okay. And as if reading my thoughts,he nods his head at me and smiles before planting a soft kiss on my forehead. These forehead kisses have the ability of making me feel fragile yet safe and protected.

We walk a few steps noBab'Gwala before he turns around to address Nqobi. "Ohh and son leave your gun behind. You don't want to make matters worse" I too turn around to face him,I'm shocked okay. Who takes their gun with when trying to walk off their anger? Nqobimpi Ndlovu,that's who. He looks at us with guilt written all over his face and goes to the car,i guess to put back the gun. "Nothing done out of anger ever bears good fruit" he says not looking at me but focusing on whatever concoction he's mixing. I sit with my head bowed on the grass mat. Idk if he is talking about me or Nqobi.

"As I said earlier,the blood that's on your hands speaks and right now it seeks vengeance. Your child will pay the price if I don't cleanse you to get rid of this evil spirit" he's now looking at me,from how he's looking at me I can confirm that he isn't judging me,pitying me or anything like that. He tells me how the cleansing will be done and asks if I have any objections or questions. "Is this happening because I killed him whilst pregnant or because its him,like specifically uAnathi?" I need to know ukuthi what's the big deal because I certainly don't feel an ounce of guilt or shame about what I did.

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