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I sit legs crossed on a chair,facing the door as I wait for him. One of Nqobi's gun sits nicely on my lap. I had to take his since mine got confiscated.
Me: "I'm listening" thats how I answer a call from Eagle Eyes
Him: "sho,he's 10mins away"
Me: "okay I will be waiting for him"
Him: "are you sure that you want to do this? I can take him out now and make it look like an accident" he says trying to convince me.
Me: "EE,your job is to be on the look out,wait for my call for further instructions" I immediately hang up after that. Geez can he just chill!

I was starting to get drowsy,I hear someone fiddling with keys outside the door,then the door handle moves down then up again and the door opens. The first thing to get in are two of his suitcases followed by him. He hasn't sensed my presence yet,after closing the door he turns around and I swear I saw his soul departing from his body.

His larynx or oesophagus or whatever it is called moves as he slowly swallows konje why did I drop Life Sciences in highschool? and he gawks at me with wide eyes. He holds the door handle,I'm assuming that he wants to open it and run out. "You can come in and have a seat or run out of here like a ghost is chasing after you. I have men surrounding your house,you will be dead before you even make it to the gate" I politely tell him,my tone as sweet as ever while I polish my gun. He nervously swallows yet another load of saliva and slowly moves towards the living room with me following closely behind him.

We are both sitting on the couch opposite each other,no words have been exchanged so far. Its just me staring intensely at Anathi and him shifting out of discomfort. I see that my gaze is getting intense for him to handle phela i learned from the best intense gazer, uNqobi so he nervously scratches his head and says "Boss lady I'm..." I cut him off "only my employees get to call me that. Wena you haven't been to work in over a month,you have been on vacation" my tone contradicts the attitude displayed on my face,I sound calm.

"I'm sorry" he simply says,"nah don't worry about it. You had money to travel the world angithi wena. I'm sure you still have some money left over and maybe you have decided to quite working. Soft life neh?" I mock him,I know that he blew all his money on his meaningless vacations. But nawe how can you jump from plane to plane visiting different countries and booking in 5Star hotels in a space of a month and still expect to have money? "No I'm sorry for what I did" he says bowing his head in shame.

"Don't look ashamed now because you weren't ashamed when you spiked my tea,with no care in the world of what that drug would do to me. To my unborn child!" I shout and he jumps out of fright. "Don't fucken look ashamed now because you sure didn't when you handed me over to the Russians and accepted their dirty money. You fucken burnt my car wena,do you know how much is a Range Rover Evoque's installment per month?" Yeses aboNqobi found my car burning on the side of the road somewhere far away from work and home.

"I'm sorry..." Nayi ingudu ingitetemela bho,why is he crying. "Angikaqedi. Did you ever stop to think about what they would do to me?" I ask him. "They promised that they won't hurt you" he says,his voice breaking and make up ruined by hot tears. I find myself laughing at his stupidity. "Well they hurt me,in the worst way imaginable. Guess where they are now" each time that I think I'm over this,I think that I'm okay,I start to hurt all over again. Yes I do smile often,I do act like I'm doing just fine and I can speak up about what happened. But thats because at that time,I will be surrounded by the love shown by everyone. When I'm alone,even I can't stop my mind from drifting to that place.

"THEY ARE ALL DEAD!" Since he looks to emotional to answer me,I will just spit it out. "And you are next Anathi" I say aiming my gun in between his eyes. With his shaky hands above his bald head,he shouts "I'm sorry,I'm so sorry please don't kill me" multiple times in a hurried voice. "Stand up!" I say to him whilst also standing. The way that he's so scared neh,if he was a praying person,he would be praying in tongues RN. He quickly stands,no questions asked. I stand behind him and press the gun against his spinal cord as I push him to move.

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