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"Hau nhliziyo yam ngiyadla nje(my heart im just kidding)" he laughs while hugging me from behind. Mxm he has time for jokes lo(this one). He sits back down and makes me sit on his lap,straddling him. "Did you just say bullshit? And I thought that Sotho women were submissive" he's still laughing.

Well daddy is Zulu so I guess that's where I get the attitude from. All this while I haven't said a word,I'm just looking at his handsome face. Yah God I have a handsome boyfriend yerr. He puts my arms around his neck while his own settle on my hips ,touchy much. "Manje uzothula ungigqolozele?(So now will you just keep quite and stare at me)" he asks sulking. "Don't tell me you are expecting me to repeat myself,I hate doing that and I won't do it"

"You might want to try actually lose the attitude when talking to me. Your smart mouth and attitude will get you in trouble with me" he says in a low stern voice. Instead of this sending shivers down my spine,it send tingles. Why am I getting turned on by this? "Looks like someone likes the idea of getting in trouble" he says smirking. How did he know what I'm thinking?  Ohh lemme guess maybe how you were moving your waist on him and biting your lower lip gave it away. Ohh shot I thought i was doing that in my head.

I try to move from his lap,but he holds me in place. "Uyaphi ngoba uhleli kahle(where are you going to because you are fine here)?" Now am I supposed to focus,especially in this position?
"Not you calling me out" I say rolling my eyes to hide my embarrassment "not you wanting to land in trouble so bad" he says squeezing my ass. "No I'm not rolling my eyes because..." I can't even finish my sentence,I'm multitasking,I'm  laughing and blushing at the same time. "Its okay love,I get it. I'd be shocked if you weren't so eager" Who wants a boyfriend? because I can't with this one.

"You are such a perv yhoo" mmh girl yet you are blushing. He pulls me close to him,"I didn't get my Good morning kiss you know?" He's voice only gets sexier. "Shame,yisono" I say kissing his forehead. "You enjoy messing with me,don't you?" What do you mean,wumsebenzi wegirlfriend phela lowo(that's the duty of a girlfriend). He stares adoringly at me and just like butter,I melt under his gaze. I put my lips on his juicy ones, bite his lower lip asking for enterance. I don't give him the opportunity to dominate the kiss.

The kiss intensifies to the point whereby I start feeling him grow big under me and I pull out. He sulks causing me to laugh at his baby tendencies. "Thanks for the much needed distraction but we are not done talking" I say getting up from lap and surprisingly enough,he let's me. "And here I was thinking that its working" ohh my gosh did a 30 year old man just whine. "Better luck next time love" "mxm" he clicks his tongue. Yhoo I'm even tearing up from laughing.

"Why do you carry a gun with you every where you go?" The conversation must go on people,until I get the answers I'm looking for. "I have got a lot of enemies" he says after a long moment of silence. "And why is that so?" I fold my hands to my chest. He sighs before saying "I have got alot of dangerous enemies because of my business associates,I won't touch much on that subject for your own safety. MaDlamini I'd never put your life or our daughter's life in any kind of danger".

"Honestly mina ang'kuzwa Nqobi(I don't understand) uthi (you say) you'd never endanger our lives yet yours is already in danger,you even carry a weapon everywhere you go..." I pause for a second "just hope you know that your gun is not some sort of a protective barrier,your enemies can still get to you or us for that matter" that's it I'm done with this topic.

Its time for a history lesson now. The main reason why I despise gangsterism which is funny,how can you despise the very thing that puts food on your plate
You are a criminal lawyer after all and I fear guns is because of what happened to my late uncle. He was my mother's little brother and a father figure in my life,I had mad love for my uncle people...he was Theee coolest uncle.

When I was 13years old he got shot in cold blood right before my eyes. The first bullet went off too close to my ears which caused them to burn and the only sound I could hear was "ding". Usually when people experience such traumatic events,they say that it all happened so fast. With my case its different,I saw everything happen in slow motion and there was nothing I could do except to watch my favourite person take his late breathe.

What I hate more about what happened then is that I did not hear his last words to me. Waitsi I saw his mouth move,I saw a smile on his face but I couldn't hear anything he said. I couldn't even hear myself cry. He drew out his gun to shoot his shooter but it wasnt helpful because at the end of the day he died. His gun did nothing to keep him alive. It was after his death when we found out that he was a gangster,he got a "dignified" gangster send off which my family weren't happy about. But saw that it was going to happen,with or without their permission.

The last thing I remember from his funeral were shots being fired and hearing the sound of my heart beat in my ears. I fainted that's what happened,I woke up in his room,laying on his bed. I will never forget the heart piercing cry I let out that day as I realized that he won't came in to kick me out of his room as he always did.

I blamed my mother for the longest time. Before me and my uncle went out,she had said that we shouldn't go because she had a bad feeling about this. I thought she was just jealous of our uncle and niece moments and wanted to spend time with her brother for a change. We laughed it off and she joined in too. Had she shown how serious she was,he wouldn't have died on that fateful day in front of me.

From then on things went south,every little unexpected sound made me jump. From doors banging,plates/cups falling,to hands clapping. I had nightmares and there were moments where I just cried,especially when I was alone. Dimakatso then took a role of being my friend and big sister,at her young age she would try to protect me and get me to open up.

Someone who was as devastated as me if not more was my brother, Lesedi. Dude even left home to go study in KZN after my uncle's burial. He was never the same person after that,he laughed and smiled less. He didn't come back home frequently and these habits sticked til now. We last saw him 2 years ago,he does call though but its not the same.

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