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I finally see Moreen behind a table and run to her...I long took off my heels and Nqobi is holding them for me. Getting to her,I see her kneeling down,sobbing and looking straight ahead. I pull her to my chest as I kneel down too and follow her gaze.

Her boyfriend lays there with a bullet between his open eyes. Seconds later a gunshoot goes off and a man drops dead few meters away from us. Surprisingly enough I'm not as terrified as I should be by this,multiple shots follow shortly after. I pull her to her feet so we could see what's happening. The man was dropped by one of the guards who was bleeding on the floor. Wait wait wait...make it make sense. Why is a guard shooting one of the guests?

A distraught and bloody looking Thapelo just walked in and he's the one making it rain with bullets. He shot the bleeding guard that fired. Okay alot is going here. His crisp white shirt is covered in blood even his hands are bloody...I wonder what happened. Uhm hello its literally a bloody scene out here,so him being covered in blood isn't far off.

He looks miserable shame,plus keh yiYellow bone,akase embovu ebusweni (he's a yellow bone,his face is red). Something must have happened again his home was ambushed,his guests and guards killed. What something are you talking of? I seriously don't have the energy to argue with my brain,I know what I'm seeing. Whatever.

"I hope that no one here had a hand in what happened tonight,because if so then I WILL END YOUR BLOODLINE. I will kill your entire family,cats,dogs even the cockroaches in your cupboards before ending your pathetic life" he angrily shouts while pointing his gun around the room. No shit people are scared...I would be too,dude looks murderous RN. He points his gun around like its a toy

He sees his boy's dead body on the floor and I swear I saw his heart break,he walks up to him and closes his eye lids for the final time. He briefly looks at Moreen,just when I think he will say something to comfort her,he shouts "COVER HIM UP!!" to no one in particular but movement starts occurring meaning people are going up and down looking for a sheet or something.

"Nqobi..." He interrupts me by saying "ngiyazi sthandwa sam,siyahamba manje (I know my love we are leaving now)" I'm glad he knows,I wanna get out of here.
"Sorry sir I can't let you out" says a guard at the door,no wonder no one has left yet. But what are we...prisoners? "You will be damn sorry if you don't move out of our way" Nqobi says pointing his gun at him,Moreen and I are right behind him and poor child hasn't stopped crying. "Sir I'm just following orders,I suggest you do the same" now the guard is annoyed.

Nqobi turns and looks behind us, "do I have to shoot my way out of here?" He asks Thapelo lifting his eyebrow. When did he get here. Thapelo has his hands buried inside the pockets of his pants looking like his world has crashed. "Yah you will go,just wait" Thapelo answers.

"Look man I don't know what kind of shit you got yourself into and quiet frankly IDC. If you are worried about us going to the cops you shouldn't be. And as you can see none of us needs medical assistant" "these ladies are tired,emotional and freaked out. Now could you kindly let us out before I start a mass shooting of my own" his words don't match his facial expression,they hold a promise...he will do it. "Let them out" he says before walking away.

Arriving at the hotel,I get out of the car and go to Moreen's side. I open the door and pull her in for a hug as she continuing crying. "H-he was right there w-w-with me,n-nerele sharp gole monate (we were fine,it was nice). N-next thing h-he d-dies,HE DIES NEXT TO ME!" she's screaming and crying altogether and trust me I wanna cry along with her but I can't reach my tears.

I knew something was definitely wrong when I didn't flinch nor look away when Thapelo shot 6 bullets into that already dead guard's body. I think his security detail was compromised yah that's got to be it. But I should really stop thinking about tonight cause its causing me a headache.

I take her to her room,run her a bath,order food for her and sleeping pills. Even though she says that she isn't hungry I tell her to try and eat the bits that she can stomach. Now its time to deal with my gangster lover...

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