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"Ngixolisela ukuthi ugcine uthole kanje. I know that you have never envisioned yourself as a second wife,but baby I believe that we can make this work" huh did I just hear him say second wife? Usho mina? "Uthini?" I ask snapping out of my thoughts not even bothering to hide the harshness of my tone. The idiot just laughs okay did I say something funny maybe? "Ungizwile ukuthi ngitheni?" He asks as his laugh dies down.

"Yes loud and clear. Uthe ngizoba umfazi wakho wesibili" I fold my arms to my chest and say this with so much attitude. "Mxm that's all you heard,I had to say something like that to gain your attention" now he sounds angry. Realization smacks me in the face...I have been staring at this beauty on my finger for a while now. Honestly I didn't hear a word he said before he uttered that second wife sentence. "What was I saying for the past 10mins" he questions and I tighten my lips together and look down in shame.

Truth is Nqobi can be intimidating sometimes and my smart mouth and attitude can't even save me from his intimidation. "Uyenza yile ling oyifake emunweni wakho" LMAO did he just ling instead of ring. He stands up sounding annoyed and walks away. "Cha bhuti awu-understand-i angizifakanga, bangifakile" I run after him,still LMAO. When he says nothing I continue to be a pain in his firm ass.

"Okay keh ngiyaxolisa bhuti, ngizomtshela lobhuti owangifaka yona ukuthi akayikhiphe ngoba wena awuyithandi" I laugh harder when I hear him click his tongue. Kwaze kwamnandi kwaNdlovu. Since he slid this gem on my ring finger this morning,I haven't been able to focus on anything else except for it. It feels surreal,mina uSimphiwe wonke ngi engaged!! Hai cha uNkhulunkhulu mkhulu bazalwane. I haven't yet shared the news with anyone,believe me I took a lot of pictures but didn't post even a single one. For today nje,I want to celebrate this with my fiancé then tomorrow the world.  My Fiancé,sounds nice. 

Yesterday we toured the Famous Amalfi Coast,its such a beautiful city. We went on a boat tour then went snorkeling no I'm lying Nqobi did that and I sat my ass in the boat. I envied him but keh thats what I get for being such a black person, sijwayele uku hamba phakhathi kwama pool and splashing water instead of swimming. Then later we went on a night coastal cruise and saw how magnificent the coast looks at night. I realized how crucial and dangerous this thing with Nqobi and the stolen diamonds is yesterday when we went out.

So as we were touring,we saw Luca with a young fine ting and when i wanted to approach them thinking that maybe its his day off,Nqobi stopped me. Apparently there were four other guards scattered around us,wearing casual clothes and posing as tourists. To obviously watch over us and guard for any possible danger. If Nqobi hadn't mentioned it,I wouldn't have known. I turned and twisted my neck until I spotted them all out. They looked like tourists for real,they were even conversing with people.

What I'm not yet sure of is if the people they were socializing with are genuinely strangers or they bought them to play along. All I'm saying is that yesterday's act was Well Played,bravo to our actors.

"Okay I'm ready we can go now" I announce to Nqobi once I'm sure that I have all that I need with me. That being my phone and purse. We are going out for dinner tonight,to of course celebrate our anniversary and our engagement popopooo!! "You sure you not forgetting anything?" He asks with an eyebrow shot up,I know what he's referring to but I'm gonna act stupid. "Yeah I'm sure my love" I answer smiling.

"Gqoka iring MaDlamini" he instructs,I purposefully left it on top of the bed for him to see. "Can I please not wear it tonight?" I pretend to be bored. "Why?" He's tone is sharp,"well we are going out and...eish people will see it" I fiddle with my fingers,casting my eyes to the floor. Instead of seeing a furious expression on his face,I see one of sadness,hurt and pain. Argh why is he ruining my plan. "People will see it WOW" he utters in disbelief. "Yini ufuna uku hamba wedwa?" My heart drops to the bottom of my stomach at his sight.

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