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"Hau ngeke umuntu wam amoyizele nephone ngikhona mina" he says before he snatches my phone away. Since I was laying on a side with my back turned on him I turn to face him now laying on the other side. "Give me my phone back" I say with a bored tone,showing how disinterested I am in this. "Udakiwe,I don't even know who you are talking to. I'm right besides you,instead of talking to me you'd rather talk to other people and smile widely as you do" jealous much. "Stop being dramatic and just say that you want my attention" I roll my eyes at him without actually rolling them.

"Yah vele I do and your affection too" he pouts. I sit up,still on my side,put my leg on top of his,wrap my hands around his waist and start planting wet kisses on his bare chest. I suddenly remember something and shoot my eyes up at him. "What happened today?" And he best start talking now. "What do you mean what happened? What happened where?" Ohh so he wants to play dumb "uyabona keh ngizolala mina" I gently bite his flat nipple. "Bab Gwala was more or less my father's friend,he has a calling, can see and connect with the dead. He's actually one of the greatest seers or prophets around here. He's more or less like isangoma but does things slightly different" he informs me.

"Okay thank you for the background information tho its unnecessary,why was everyone emotional. And I'm sorry babe to ask this but is he okay? How does one switch moods and auras like that?" "That was not him and that's why everyone was emotional as you say" his tone is... I don't know somewhat weird. It holds an emotion I can't quite fathom. Okay this should be interesting,I sit up straight now with my back against the headboard. I silently wait for him to continue but he doesn't. I look to him and find that he has his eyes closed and isn't his holding in his breathe.

"Gatsheni what's going on?" I place my hand at the back of his neck and start rubbing him. "I think I saw my dad" he finally opens his eyes,I quirk my eyebrow at this. He audibly breathes out "the man who was talking to Nonjabulo was my dad,that's why Gwala changed moods so quick" Isn't your father dead? Yeses nam angina filter sometimes,how could you be so insensitive. "He can connect with the dead Simphiwe,the man acted and spoke like my father,how he held her,kissed her knuckles and that nose pointing thing. That's what he used to do noMancane. I knew it was him when he looked into my eyes" how do I respond to such?

This explains a lot then,no wonder Zee was in tears...she was a daddy's girl. The look he shared with MaNdlovu,wow this is another level of voodooism. "Manje why didn't he talk to his family?" That's the best I can do,I'm still in shock phela "I wish I knew my love" he answers. "His presence didn't make you happy why?" I ask,"I was happy" he says. "But your face said otherwise" I say "indoda ayi sinekhi nje MaDlamini" he retorts LOL. "But your face held no emotion,even your uncle shed a tear" "uweak phela umalume" he states flatly and I look at him. Firstly that's rude and secondly,I am not saying that his parents didn't do a good job at raising this man of mine because they did. 

But I think he wasn't taught the most important lesson as a boy...well man. That crying doesn't make you weak and that even the strongest people feel pain sometimes. I position myself on top of him, my legs on the sides and he pushes me up a bit by placing both his hands on my bums. He squeezes my butt and earns an involuntary moan from me. But how I can I not,when our privates are pressed together,I'm only wearing my satin night dress and no underwear and he's only wearing boxers. Simphiwe focus,there's a time and a place for everything. Now is not the time to be a horny whore and definitely not the place. Yeah eyy I'm not about to spread my legs wide and call out his clan names until my legs give in. Khubo,on the first night nogal...ngeke is can't be,angeke imphela.

I urge him to look at me by placing my hands on his cheeks,I stare into his memorizing eyes and he stares back. See what I mean,his closing himself off. "Gatsheni you do know that I will always be there for you,even if its just to listen right?" His eyes soften at my words,he only nods his head Yes. "And that no matter what,I will never think any less of you or see you as a weakling?" I continue to ask. "Ngemphela?" He asks wow I'm hurt,why would he ask that. "Yes Nqobi ngemphela,I would appreciate it if you let me in. I don't only want to see your loving,protective,caring,bad ass,angry, short tempered,goofy,silly and lustful self. I also want to see the broken part of you,you are always there to wipe away my tears and mucus when I cry and hold me until I fall asleep...I want to do that for you as well" my tone is soft yet demanding.

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