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"I got to meet my in-laws now its your turn" I won't ruin his mood by disagreeing with his statement. "Yah I would love that but not you can see a lot is going on" I'm stalling and he sees that,he just laughs at me. "Yinqiniso kodwa(its true tho) I have to balance being a mother,Nqobimpi's girlfriend which is a workout might I add,being a boss and a lawyer" I say exaggerating my words which makes him laugh even harder.

On a serious note though,since I sashayed my way into his life,he's part time handicapped. I sometimes have to call his PA on his behalf cabanga(imagine) and ask her to either cancel or reschedule his meetings.  This one time he was working late so after work him and some guys were going to get a few drinks. Umuntu video called me and was like "baby lama ndoda afuna ukungiyisa eclub-ini,bafuna ngiyo dakwa cabanga(these guys want to take me to a club,they want me to get drunk imagine)" he was busy moving the phone showing me those guys.

I laughed and asked him now what did he call me for and he said "hai tell them that I'm a dad and you and our child need me at home". Nqobi can be ridiculous sometimes yaz,he was sulking. Of course I told the guys to take him with and get him pop dronk(very drunk) of which they did and he gave me the silent treatment the next day. He had a serious hangover shame.

Sometimes I drive him to work and then pick him up again because "he's lazy to drive." I order him lunch and read his business deals for him even though his lawyers proof read them. He enjoys being my big baby and I'm not complaining because his actions tell me that he doesn't think any less of me because of his gender and he trusts me enough to disclose his business deals to me among other things.

"Now come give your man some love" he says pulling his seat backwards. Well I'm not going to be modest and pretend like I didn't miss him or feeling his hands all over my body. With one swift move I jump onto his lap. I tilt my head to the side allowing him excess to my weak spot. I'm not a screamer but he has a way of making me release soft moans unintentionally.

"MaDlamini ungiyenzani(what are you doing to me)" he groans and thrusts,I moan a little bit louder when I feel his erection. He finishes his assault on my neck,giving me a chance to get ahold of his juicy lips. Since I'm wearing a dress its easy for him to slip his fingers into my already wet nunna.

"Were the two of you having sex in the car?" Damn I forgot I have visitors. Asks my mother as soon as I make an entrance. Well we almost had sex but she doesn't need to know that. "Anything is possible kabana ba kajeno (with today's kids)" my aunt says supporting her sister. "Kwahela masepa a mo molaleng wa hao(cover up that rubbish thats on your neck)" mom says with a sharp voice. I quickly run to my room damn you Nqobi for leaving these love bites. I know I'm old neh but I can still a beating from those 2 ladies. I'm fucked for sure.

"Ke utloa ke moratele moshanyana oo wale Zulu(I actually like this Zulu boy)" magwane says as I emerge from my room now wearing a hoodie in this heat,my mom has zero chill. I blush when I see that she means what she's saying. I know which boy she's referring to but I choose to annoy her anyways. "Otsho ofeng(Which one are you talking about)? Siyabonga kapa Nqobi(Siyabonga or Nqobi)?" I ask pretending to be curious.

"Ache Reamohetswe,ha ke bue ka sethotho seo Siyabonga(no I'm not talking about that fool). Kebua ka ndoda yama qiniso(I'm talking about a real man)" yhoo her SeZutho has me in stitches.  "Yah he's a good man,a real one at that" I say after LMAO at how she speaks. "Seka tatazela hee lewena(don't be foolish) hold on to might just find your happily ever after" says my mom in excitement. She's more excited than me...eyy abazali.

"I can't wait to tell Dimakatso about your boyfriend,kana bareng(what do they say say)? ubaba kaNonjabulo" and then she laughs. I won't hear the end of it with Dimakatso shame...I best prepare my ass for a truck load of questions.

We are supposed to continue with our meeting today but Siyabonga decided to go on a bae-cation with his wife. He's delusional if he thinks there will be a day whereby I leave my child in his care. He has shown me that Joy isn't a priority to him.

To take my mind of things I decide to meet up with Zanele. When I get to the restaurant I see that I might have arrived a bit early. I pick a table to sit at,today I'm riding solo. Im taking a day off from being both a mother and a girlfriend. Nonjabulo is with Getty and Nqobi...uhm I don't know where he is at.

Shortly after settling down,Zanele walks in looking gorgeous. Upon seeing where I'm seated at,she rushes to me "sisi ngiyaxolisa traffic was a nightmare." She let's me know as I pull her in for a hug. "No worries I just got here myself" I say taking a sit. The conversation just flows effortlessly...she sounds like a great person and a vibey one at that. Not Cebo's kind of vibey...that one is a clown.

I take note of the fact that she doesn't call her brothers by name but ngobhuti and I respect her for that,surprisingly ngingu sisi nam manje.  "You do know that I'm just 3years older than you right? I would prefer that you call me Simphiwe" I tell her hoping she will listen. "Uhm Simphiwe or sisi Phiwe..." She says it like she's thinking really hard about it.

"Nah I prefer sis Phiwe thank you very much" she shakes her head jokingly. "Its either that or I call you MaDlamini like how bhuti Nqobi does"  she imitates Nqobi's deep voice when saying MaDlamini and I die of laughter. "Hai ngeke sis Phiwe is fine."  We then take selfies and videos while having our own type of fun.

"Damn aren't we just some fine Huns,ubhuti wam unenhlanhla angifuni ukungasho(my brother is one lucky man)" she says scrolling through the pictures we took just now. She really is pretty,Nqobi's parents made beautiful kids nasi. Makuthiwa idark beauty kuthiwa yena(she's the true definition of Dark beauty),she has a nice,tall slender body shukuthi tallness runs in the family.

"Melanin beauty at its best and he best not forget it" I say hyping her up. "I would say you have a beautiful chest to sweeten things up but I'm gonna say it like it have beautiful breats sis" LMAO did she have to lick her lips and wink at me.  "Ohh shut up" I say cracking up. I'm wearing a yellow lose,slit thigh floral dress which accentuates my curves and breasts. Paired up with brown Ginger Mary sandals.
She's wearing a nude short skirt,a white baggy tee,a nude bucket hat which she paired up with Nike airforce 1's and white Nike socks.

Seconds later a white man with beautiful ocean blue eyes pulls a chair from our table to sit. "If it isn't the Ndlovu girls" he says once he's seated shocking both Zee and I. He looks to be around his mid 40's. "Do we know you?" I ask "No Simphiwe you don't know me but you will soon" he says with no smile and that just makes it even more creepy. "My name is Brian Miller,nice to meet you two,Zanele and Simphiwe." At this point I have no words HTF does he know us? And he looks dangerous...something about him screams EVIL.

"Where's the little one,I would have loved to meet Nqobimpi's daughter. Heard she's a cutie" okay this isn't funny he stalking us? I don't answer him,I think both Zee and I are still in shock. He turns to face Zanele,when I see what's written on his neck my entire body just freezes. I can't hear anything besides my fast beating heart.

Zee sees my sudden state and gives me a puzzled but concerned look. I try to hide my fear by smiling nervously, "AHEM,M-mr Miller we have to be on our way now" I clear my throat and quickly stand up signaling for Zee to follow my lead. "Not so fast Missy,I want you to tell your little boyfriend that if..." He pulls my hand which I jerk away away from his as if his fingers have burnt me. "I wouldn't do that if I were you..." That voice,I know that voice...

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