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With his heart beating hard against his chest as if trying to come out,he exits Lesedi's office without a word more. He tries calling Cebo with no luck then he calls one of his guys. "Kunomcibi la,kukhona izimbuzi ezidinga ukuhlatshwa" Nqobi says immediately when the call gets accepted. "Angazi ukuthi ziyingaki kodwa lethani izimoto eziwu2. Kunenkomo okumele ihlatshwe nayo...uzongazi kahle uPetrov. And increase the temperature ecold room, angifuni ibole inyama yethu." He answers what he was asked,he talks of humans as animals.

The goats being the minions who are following MaDlamini and the cow being the big boss who's Viktor Petrov. He calls MaDlamini again and to his luck she answers. Nonjabulo is still wailing in the background,MaDlamini sounds frightened.
Her: "Nqobi why aren't the bullets shooting through the windows,I bet there's not a single scratch or hole on this car." She frantically voices out her concerns. If it were any other day,Nqobi would be laughing his ass off,instead of being happy that the car is bulletproof she's questioning it.
Him: "MaDlamini the car is bulletproof" he's speeding on the highway heading to the location they agreed on.
Her: "why the hell do you have a bulletproof car,who does that?" She inquires and before Nqobi could answer,she says "Nqobimpi Ndlovu that's who" how the hell does she manage to have an a time like this? Isn't she shit scared? These are some of the questions that are going through his mind.

When Simphiwe takes a left turn at a stop sign,"Thud" an ear deafening sound rings out as Simphiwe's chaser bumps the left back side of the car. This causes the Porsche Cayenne to lose its stability, fortunately she wheels it back on the road. When Nqobi hears this he says, "can I trust you to..." He stops himself mid sentence and says "MaDlamini shay'imoto,Shay'imoto!" He screams at her and she presses her foot hard on the accelerator. He wanted to ask if he could trust her to use a gun,in all his cars,he keeps one unlicensed gun under the driver's seat in case he forgets his personal gun at home or gets disarmed.

'Where does he get all these guns from?' That is out of the question considering that he deals with guns. "Nqobi,I think...I think h-he ruined your car" she says with tears streaming down her cheeks. No she's not crying over the car but because she's seeing their End. Things took a turn for the worst quickly,from being followed to being shot at and now bumped into. "I don't fucken care about a piece of metal that can be replaced,both your lives mean more than mine could to me. Simphiwe you only have one job,drive as fast as you can,my daughter and my wife's lives are in your hands. Do. You. Understand. That?" He knows that shouting at her won't help the situation but he can't help but be frustrated,not at her but himself.

He's seething with anger,he's grip on the steering wheel is tight,if he was light in complexion,he's knuckles would have turned red. All he is seeing is RED, his heart has never pumped blood this fast. When she sees his RS3 ahead at the cross way she asks if that's him,he says yes before asking her to get in front of his car. She quickly gets in front of him,they both cross to the other side and just when her chaser tries to do the same,two cars appear blocking him. One from the right and one from the left,then a violent storm of bullets rains on the chaser.

All she heard was the rain pouring behind her,she didn't stop to see the scene. Nqobi asks her to pull over when he sees that they are far away from the scene. As soon she gets out of the car,she goes to get Nonjabulo and holds her firmly against her chest as she tries calming her down. Am sure ingane yam iphethwe yikhanda,kunini ikhala. Her already aching heart,aches more as Nonjabulo's heart piercing cries fill her eyes. Nqobi comes and pulls them both into his arms,when he starts to rub circles around Simphiwe's back,she doesn't hold her tears back.

The safety she gets from being in his arms allows her to wail. A lot of 'what if's' are keeping her mind occupied,she sees many different scenarios of how today would have ended and none of the scenarios end well for them. While that's currently where her mind is at,Nqobi is thinking of all the painful ways he could use to make Petrov pay. He is not banking on finding his guys alive(the goats),so he knows that they won't help him with his location. What he is sure of tho,is that no matter what it takes...he must find Viktor Petrov. He will not rest until he does.

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