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~I miss you🥺~ the text reads,I blush before looking around me. Sure enough Zee has her eyes on me,I avoid her eyes and look behind me. And the man behind my flushed state is staring at me. ~but I'm right here moes😊~ I text back and hear Zanele say "nchoo you guys are cute." ~no you should be besides me or better yet on top of all depends on you. But I would prefer to be inside of you😋😎~ OH my God does his head always have to be in the gutter? I choke on air,when I turn back to look at him,I find him smirking then he winks at me. Clearly he got the reaction he was looking for.

~Sies Nqobi🤮😂~ ~Have you been told ukuthi you are clingy ~ I send a second text. ~Have you been told ukuthi iyak'thanda lendoda?🥰~ my cheeks hurt from blushing. ~yes he tells me almost everyday😏.~ For me its how I'm replying to his texts when he's just a few feet away from me but I haven't responded to my siblings who are kilometers away. Indoda comes first bakwethu,I'm not saying that you should prioritize your man...I'm just saying that if he's like my man,yile type yabo Nqobi then girl family ha eno kwata forever. Lesedi would flip if he heard me say such and MaThapelo (my mom) would have a heart attack. Katso would probably back me up,she would advocate for this.

~Hha MaDlamini,I thought its everyday😫~ Whoa cisha cisha,amanga lawo. ~awushongo namhlanje na izolo🥱🚶‍♀️~ ~not you keeping score😂🙄~ he instantly replies. As I should!!. I see that he's typing and I stop typing ~Okay ngiyaxolisa sthandwa sam😘,I love you, ngiyak'thanda mama❤🥺~ hai cha,its more effective when he says it. Like he's voice adds the much needed emotion. I text back with a similar message as his.

Looking at all the emojis he has used,I give myself a pat on the back. Ngaze ngayi qoqa bho indoda. Back then,okay when we started dating,he would send dry emoji,nothing. And I taught him to use emojis...honestly people who text without emojis freak me out. I wanna know how you feel...dry texts are giving "I'm mad at you" vibes or "I don't feel like talking to you" vibes and I don't want that...I don't want to ever feel like I'm forcing a conversation with someone. Plus emojis just lighten up...okay I don't know what I'm saying RN,but yah emojis lighten up something. The conversation or mood...angisazi keh nam.

Nqobi is sitting with the men under a tree not so far behind us. The older ladies,abo aunty nabo ma are sitting on the far right side from us. This is nice,having a big family like this...this side,where I am sitting is basically the youth and your "matured" teens we are sitting in a circularish way. The kids are running around the yard,wild and free. We just finished eating and washing the dishes.
When Nqobi came into the room earlier,it was to come tell us that food was ready. The men,older women and children were served,while us "girls" had to dish up for ourselves. Now what had me confused was walking out to see the men eating and uNqobi niks. Apparently lo uthe they mustn't dish up for him because uMaDlamini ukhona and she will serve him. I didn't complain,so as we were heading to the kitchen,dude stops me and pulls a chair for me to sit on. He then asked what he should plate for me bro kanjani? Didn't you say I will dish up for you?

So I asked "you do know that I'm supposed to be asking you that,not the other way round?" "Says who? And don't say according to our culture or society because its the 21st century sisi catch up" LMAO did I not swab (swaba.) Instead of answering I stood up and followed him to the kitchen,he still insisted on dishing up for me and I let him because arguing with him wasn't worth it. Going back outside since everyone was eating outside,he held both our plates and accompanied me to my seat before joining the Men's Conference.

After eating Zee and I and two of their cousins were put on dish duty,I think its because we did nothing while they were cooking. So the one cousin don't judge me,baningi abantu ba I can't memorize their names in hours,gimme at least 4days. Its how when we arrived and I saw so many kids running around the yard,I thought that some of them are the neighbour's children. But the number of children in this homestead isn't shocking,considering the fact that only Nqobi's parents weren't having wild sex like bunnies or were rather practicing safe sex or preventing. They have two kids max,while the people around them have four kids min. Yhoo bayazala abantu,that explains where so many grandchildren came from.

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