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I'm preparing for our picnic with Nqobi,he begged me to bring Nonjabulo with.
A few days ago when I was at work I posted a video of her on my status. He saved it and reposted it on his with the caption [Cuteness has never looked this cute❤🦋] and indeed my baby looked cute. He then sent me screenshots of people's replies,some were asking if that's his kid while other's were complimenting her beauty. Dude only responded to the compliments by thanking them and he ignored the journalist with their 21 questions. 

As I drive into the Lake Park,I spot Nqobi's RS3 and drive to park next to him. He comes to help me unbuckle Joy out of her baby seat but not before engulfing me in a warm hug and throwing in a compliment which makes me blush.
Blue denim jeans seems to be today's theme. I'm wearing blue denim jeans,a turquoise Adidas T-shirt with white forum Adidas sneakers. While Joy wears blue denim shorts,a yellow Naartjie T-shirt,gold-ish sandels and a white hair band. He's wearing blue G-Star Raw jeans,a red G-Star T-shirt and red and black Jordans.

He leads us under a tree not so far from the lake,where swans are swimming and Nonjabulo looks fascinated by all this beauty here. I am too but its nothing compared to her's and from how she's holding on to Nqobi tells me that she's a bit scared too.

The picnic set up is laid on the grass on top of a blanket,there are 3 cushions and a food basket in the middle. I'm keeping Joy in her seat because she gets an allergic reaction whenever her skin comes in contact with grass. After a while sitting in her seat becomes an irritation as she starts crying. I put her on my lap while Nqobi gives her a strawberry.

"She doesn't cry around strangers,aka hluphi (she's not troublesome)" he says out of the blue looking at her. "She has gotten used to you,I mean you even video call her" he laughs at my statement,this brings back a memory.

"Lemme go and fetch her for you" I said,he just nodded his head and sat down on the couch. As I put Nonjabulo in his arms she started to cry,luckily he managed to calm her down. It was awkward having to watch him hold and play with her. She then started to cry again unprovoked,"uyabona keh (do you see now)" Siya angrily said struggling to keep her calm. "Mlethe la (bring her here)" it was as if she wasn't just crying seconds ago when she landed in my arms.

"Your child doesn't want me to hold her" his statement shut me up because honestly I had no come back. "Every time I come here all she does is cry her lungs out" he said and that frustrated me because it sounded like an insult. "Great,just great now I'm expected to teach you how to father your own child. She last saw you 4months ago. She isnt used to you" if my hands were not occupied,i would have thrown them in the air to show my frustration.

 "I thought kids are supposed to have a bond with their parents" he casually says,causing to laugh. No its not a mocking genuinely in stitches RN. "A bond doesn't just come naturally DADDY its formed" I emphasis the word now to mock him with a resting bitch face. He didn't waste time after that...he was out the door in a flash. END OF FLASHBACK.

By now Joy has started crawling around,she would crawl to the grass and back. I went to fetch her long tights and a long sleeved romper because every time we try to remove her from the grass she would cry. As time goes by,she let's out soft cries while scratching herself I guess I was too late with the long set of clothes,her rash has started but its nothing that anointment can't fix.

Nqobi picks her up,"does this rash come with a fever?" he asks placing his palm on her forehead. "No,why?" I'm now getting worried,he brings her to me and I feel how hot she is. Her slightly reddish rash isn't easing up my worries,worse now that her face is swelling up and she's hysterically crying.
My panic mode is fully activated,this is never happened before....

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