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"Just breathe Simphiwe,breathe" I say ironing out the imaginary wrinkles on my T-shirt which I paired with jeans and Nqobi's Adidas slides which I'm claiming as mine. I have to go down stairs now to be properly introduced to Nqobi's brother...can't tell if he's younger or older than Nqobi.

Well I was the only one who felt awkward about THAT situation,you know moes. I asked Nqobi to go change first before I met his brother,after putting me know he stood besides me with the guy in front of us. Can y'all believe that Nqobi licked his fingers in front of him,shamelessly so might I add. Yho I so wanted to murder him,cause who the fuck does that? Nqobimpi Ndlovu,that's who.

His brother wasn't surprised but he faked gagging sounds...they argued about him not knocking instead. When Nqobi angrily asked him what he was doing here,he said and I quote "relax ngizobona uMaDlamini mina,unjani makoti(I'm here to see MaDlamini,how are you sister in law)" I shyly greeted back. Well I was still embarrassed people,I mean the guy walked in on us at the worst time,he knows what we were doing and I felt naked in those shorts and baggy tee.

I was only supposed to change my clothes but mina I decided to take a shower. "Hau kodwa bafo,usakwatile namanje(bro you are still angry)?" I hear him ask as I walk down the stairs. "Ucabangani wena(what do you think)?" that's Nqobi,he does sound pissed shame. I then hear a hyena like laugh which almost makes me laugh as well.

"Awusho Nqobi ukwateleni kahle kahle(tell me why are you really angry)? Is it because I came uninvited or because I came in when you were about to get some?" He's still laughing. "You know very well why I'm pissed" Nqobi whines,just when I thought his laugh couldn't sound uglier...he roars and because he's a black person I doubt that he's standing still. No black person dies of laughter while standing still,some jump,others run around while others lean or fall onto people. 

"Sanibonani(hello)" I greet,why am greeting when I already did? They both laugh at my shy ass,"uyabona keh Cebo,you making my woman shy",and you find this amusing,mxm. He pulls me to his side and kisses my forehead,as if he knows that I need it. "Baby this is my brother Cebo,short for Cebelihle,and wena wu makaNonjabulo lo(this is Nonjabulo's mother)" he says getting over and done with the introductions.

"Out of all the women you have been with bro,I must say she's the prettiest" Cebo compliments,I just utter a thank you and Nqobi says "get your own woman and stop staring at her like that". "Possessive aren't we" okay Cebo is such a teaser.

He's definitely the younger sibling between them, he's funny,laid back and a whole vibe. Ohh and a player too,I can't recall what it was that Nqobi asked him and he said "alot of women want me and it would be selfish of me to just pick one. Ang'fani nawe mina angikho selfish(I'm not like you,I'm not selfish)"

We just talking about random things,by we its him and I. Nqobi is sitting besides me with his hand wrapped around me. All he does is shake his head whenever Cebo says something stupid or laughs.

"Okay so you are the other half of the Ndlovu brother's?" The laughter dies down at my sudden question and they both tense up...well I can feel Nqobi tensing up but with Cebo I'm looking at his face. Did I perhaps touch a nerve? They both try to musk their uneasiness but I have long caught on. I release a humourless chuckle and ask "is this the confirmation I need,are y'all confirming the rumours?"

"What rumours?"-Cebo,"No"-Nqobi. They both said in unison,I turn to look at Nqobi because he sounds angry and Cebo,mhm he sounds casual...cheerfully casual. "That y'all are gangsters" I direct this to Cebo,knowing my boyfriend he won't answer shit. "It depends" Cebo says and earns a disapproving look from his brother. I wait for him to elaborate which he does "if you despise gangsters and thinking of running for the hills then nope,we ain't gangsters. Infact I don't know what that is. But if you like gangsters and you are into Gangster Love and you see yourselves as Bonnie and Clyde or Joker and Harley Quinn then sure nja yam siphusha inombolo"

"Angithi Nqobi?" he asks,"Voetsek ungangifaki emasimbeni wakho mina(don't drag into your shit)" we both laugh at how angry he sounds. "Mxm I'm trying to save your relationship wena slima(you fool)." "Says the fool who knows nothing about relationships" he rolls his eyes,I laugh because WTF...Nqobi actually rolled his eyes.

Cebo returns with a crying Joy,Nqobi and I just ignore his silent pleas for help. Nqobi told him not to wake her up because she's been grumpy these past few days and guess what he said. "Its clear ukuthi ukhumbule ubab'mncane wakhe(she misses her uncle),I would cry too" and he jogged up to the nursery to wake her up. Nqobi warned him by saying "uzom beka emhlana san(you will carry her on your back boy)" the idiot answered and said "I'm not a man who's scared of responsibility" LMAO. 
Yah he knows her,they have actually chilled a couple of times,he even bought her clothes and toys.

"Cebo mthulise uyarasa(calm her down,she's making a noise)" Nqobi says as he flips through the TV channels,Cebo just glares at him. "Yah bab'mncane,I can't even hear what's playing on TV" I add salt to the wound. "Nawe futhi MaDlamini(you too),he's clearly rubbing off on you and that's TOXIC if you ask me" he says it like I have just betrayed him which has me in stitches. "Well its a good thing that no one asked you" Nqobi deadpans. No marn I'm gonna have fun with these two around.

"Sis Simphiwe I think she's hungry yaz" he's trying to pull me into his mess,I ain't helping him. He tries to give her to me but "if she's hungry that's no problem,there's food in the fridge and her bottle is in the warmer. You will decide if you wanna feed her mash potatoes or purity" "ohh she sits on her highchair,you saw it right? In the kitchen?" Nqobi adds.

"Nikhohlakele marn(y'all are cruel)" he says,he's getting irritated Good. "Nana your parents are something else,you should come stay with me since they don't care" he says to Nonjabulo heading to the kitchen. I look in their direction then back at Nqobi,I don't like this one bit. My child is crying her tiny lungs out and I'm not helping. "Its okay nhliziyo yam I also can't stand her tiny cries,I feel bad but Cebo has to be taught a lesson" I guess he's right,we did warn him but ankere yena kebab'mncane of the century...

"Knock,knock" "ufunani(what do you want)?" Nqobi asks as we just lay in bed. "Uthulile(she's quite)" Cebo shouts on the other side. Yep we left him to deal with his crying niece and Nqobi told him to only bring her to us once she's quite. On his side I think he's punishing him like this because I once did something similar to him. He had woken her up and boy did she not cry,I left him to deal with her...I was super pissed shame.

I instantly jump out of bed,open the door and try my best to not laugh but fail dismally. He has her on his back wrapped with a fleece cabanga not a towel but a fleece. She's sitting in a funny position,I can't even describe how he tied the fleece. My baby looks like she's about to fall at any moment now. "Why did you not use her carrier instead?" I ask "it looked complicated,I couldn't tie it and your child wouldn't tell me how to" he says and I just die. "Ohh uyang'hleka(you are laughing at me)" "no ang'hleki wena(I'm not laughing at you)" I can't stop.

I invite him in but his brother refuses him to enter our room,he's like "you will see things which you aren't supposed to" I don't know what those "things"are...the room is neat and tidy. But unfortunately the energy to argue with him is what I'm sort of. Joy starts to cry again,Cebo moves around in a silly manner. He  jumps,does silly dance moves and makes silly sounds then she keeps quite. Ohh no she did not,so she only keeps quite when he's acting silly.

Both Nqobi and I are in stitches,Cebo might have a bored face but we can see that deep down he's enjoying this. We are standing outside our bedroom door,Nqobi takes out his phone to record a video. "Uyabona keh,sizoxabana" Cebo warns "relax,only maNdlovu and Zanele will see this" that's their mom and sister. "Mthatheni tuu(take her)" ohh who is he trying to fool,he enjoyed dancing and singing around for her. As soon as she lands on Nqobi's arms,she wails. Ya sure ithakathiwe lengane(this child has been bewitched)

I didn't know that a person can rush down the stairs with such speed without falling. Cebo literally ran for his life. I have never laughed like how I laughed today...Cebo is for keeps. "Bye nana,bab'mncane loves you. Bye family,I will only come back to see her when she's free of whatever crying spirit she's possessed by" he shouts from downstairs.

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