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Cebo owns the restaurant thats why we were there,I didn't follow her. When she walked in to the restaurant I immediately went to Cebo's office,I didn't want to disturb their date. I wanted to shout "owami ke loyo(she's mine)" when I saw how her entry demanded everyone's attention. I swear time stood still for a while and they all stared in adoration.

There are cameras in Cebo's office and that's how we saw that piece of shit at their table. Vele mina i was staring at the screen looking at her beauty,prior to Miller's arrival i didnt hear shit that Cebo said. All i could do was watch how she smiled,moved around,posed and talked. I'm whipped and Im not ashamed to say it. Indoda yonke yomZulu igone(a whole Zulu man is in love),gone I tell you.

There's what y'all don't know,I think MaDlamini forgot to mention this...Cebo and I are actually friends not family. So we have been friends since our varsity days,we share the same surname but aren't related. Over the years we grew even more closer to the point whereby we actually see each other as brothers. My mom sees him as a son and Zanele as a brother,because he's a year younger than me,he's my younger brother and boy doesn't he hate it when I remind him of that.

"Bhuti(brother)?" she says as soon as she answers the call. "Do you have a death wish little one?" I ask her focusing on the road since the call is connected to the car via Bluetooth. "Ncese(sorry) I didn't realize that I was speeding" she laughs and I know for a fact that she's enjoying it. Speeding isn't the correct term la(here),lomuntu(this person) is flying."I was right behind you seconds ago and now Im eating your dust,I can't see you" I'm telling her the truth.

"My bad I got a little carried away?" "A little?" I hear Phiwe ask in disbelief and they both laugh out. "Kodwa nawe sis uthulile(but sis you also kept quiet)" I hear Zanele try to justify herself before I hang up. I'm glad that they are getting along,Cebo is still driving behind me. Mancane doesn't drive like a normal person,she feels as if the car isn't moving when she's driving at average speed.

She fired two of her drivers claiming that they can't drive,she's always late for meetings because of them which is a lie...Zanele wakes up late and can only make it to work on time if she flies on the road which she does exceedingly well. She said she would rather drive herself yena,she wants abo Vin Diesel noMichael Schumacher. I make sure to always remind her to go have her cars checked out,especially the brakes. God forbid if an accident happens,she won't survive it with her driving skills.

As I drive in,I see her car packed outside. I first go to the kitchen and I find my sister doing what she and Cebo do best every time they come to my house. She's looting my groceries. "Vala ifridge(close the fridge) Mancane" I know I should be used to their behaviour by now but hai ayijwayeleki(I can't get used to it). "Ima ithi ngikhiphe lekhekhe(wait let me take out this cake),yummy" she squeals in excitement like she's eating cake for the first time. SMH.

"Hamba uyoxolisa kunokuthi ume lapho ungihlahlele amehlo(go and apologize instead of standing there and starring at me)" she says as she digs in the cake. Another reason why I'm hiding in the kitchen is because I fear what will happen should I approach MaDlamini,I know she's already thinking the worst of me. As we are talking noZanele Phiwe comes in with my Mercedes AMG GT63 car keys ohh konje she asked to borrow it.

"You were serious about leaving kanti" Mancane asks in a sad tone what she said she's leaving?  "Yeah,kodwa(but) you have my numbers call whenever you want to chill or want to see Nonjabulo" she says walking out. Women are bullies,firstly she's leaving without telling me and she won't even say Bye. Now she's taking my car with? I follow behind her, "MaDlamini what's going on?" I gently pull her arm when I catch up to her.

"Ungangibambi(don't touch me)!" She shouts,"Simphiwe!!" I shout as well to reprimand her. "Get your hands off me!" She says even louder and receives a bored look from me. Lene drama lemama(she's dramatic). I let go of her,"uthi uyahamba(you say you are leaving)?utshele bani ukuthi uyahamba(who did you tell that you are leaving)?" I ask her and she rolls her eyes at me without actually rolling them.

"I don't want to talk to you right now,seeing your face is just making me more angry" she says. "And why is that?" Of course I know the answer to that but I'm hoping that she will say because of something else that I know we will just kiss and make up about instead of telling her the truth. "Don't patronize me,mxm" she walks away going to the garage.

Like a lost puppy I follow behind her,she opens the garage door and gets into the driver's seat and I on the passenger seat. "Get out!" She's gripping on the steering wheel. "Stop throwing tantrums Simphiwe,you can't just up and leave without so much as a goodbye. You won't even tell me what's wrong or what is it that you want from me" I sternly tell her. "What's wrong is that your ass is a gangster,your ass is associated with the likes of the CRAFTER,who now knows me all thanks to you" she spits out his name as if it has left a bitter taste in her mouth.

When I say nothing she continues to say "you lied to me,straight to my face,you told me that you are not a gangster. You promised me that you will never endanger my life or my child's life,look now oCrafter benu or Brian Miller as he said,he almost manhandled me ngapha he knows about uNonjabulo" truly she would walk through fire and move mountains for our baby girl. She starts to breath heavily at the mention of her name and the danger he poses.

"Ngixolisa Sibalukhulu,Mdlovu(I apologise). Ncese mama,Magaduzela(I'm sorry)" I plead with her as I take her hand into mine and kiss her knuckles. She hides her blush,but I have already seen it. If she's blushing and my effect on her hasn't worn off that means I still stand a chance. "I don't want your lousy apology Nqobi,stay away from me. Can you do that for me" she pulls her hand away from mine. "I'm willing to give you space,for how long?" It pains me to ask such a question but I can't force her to stay when I won't even answer her questions honestly.

"I-i don't know,maybe until I'm not angry with you anymore,maybe until I'm ready to hear the truth. But one thing is certain,you will stay away from me and my child" this "my child" thing is starting to work on my nerves. "You want your space,thats cool but don't brag Nonjabulo into it. I will keep my distance from you but not our child and I hope I have made myself clear,repeating myself is something that I won't do" I say harshly before getting out of the car and banging the door.

"I'm coming to fetch my car and to see our baby girl tomorrow" I shout walking into the house.

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