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"Beep,Beep,Beep,..." Make it stop! For some odd reason I'm finding difficulty in opening my eyes. After struggling for a while,I finally do open my eyes and regret it as soon as I get blinded by the light. Where am I? Am I in heaven and what's that annoying beeping sound? I squirm turning to face the other side as a way to shield my eyesight. And I soon regret that as well as I cry out in pain. I can't exactly pin point which part of my body is in immense pain but its somewhere in my lower region. "Nhliziyo yam relax,relax. Please open your eyes" I hear him say softly.

Ain't no way,ain't no fucking way! If he's here then surely im in hell,im not in heaven. This time I slowly flatter my eyes open,I see him standing on my bedside. Wait he's standing? He's standing!! After adjusting to the light,I take a proper look at him. He has a bandage around his head,his face is bruised and has bandages on his knuckles as well. He looks different,like his aura is different. He's intense,more intimidating and he's just angry. As he's standing here,he has a black walking cane which has a sliver round top and it has some decorations. Fancy right? I'm not surprised,he likes FINE things.

"How are you?" He awkwardly asks. "You can walk?" I choose to ignore his question. "Yeah,its been a while now. It was supposed to be a surprise but..." Let me finish the sentence for you. "But I got kidnapped because of you,waited for you to come and you never did,was raped and my brother is the one who came to my rescue" I say interrupting him. My voice is void of emotions. "I did come" he says. "I don't remember seeing you,even if you did it was too late" I argue,my voice getting louder with each word. "I'm sorry" he sincerely says dropping his head. "Get out!" I scream.

He looks taken back by my outburst and request but he quickly musks his astonished face with a serious one. He stands still,showing no interest in doing as I have asked of him. He stares at me,tho he's a bit intimidating,I won't back down nor show that I'm a bit shaken. "Nqobi phuma" I say with tears streaming down my cheeks. Seeing his face reminds me of what I had to endure more than the pain thats between my legs,more than the pain thats inside of me. "Ngiyaxolisa sthandwa sam" "don't call me that,Nqobimpi Ndlovu phuma and don't come back. Please" at this point I'm pleading with him to get out.

He opens his pap hole to speak but gets interrupted by the door opening. A male doctor walks in with a smile on his face which soon drops when he senses the thick tension thats in the air. "Is everything alright here?" He asks looking between Nqobi and I. Both of us haven't broken our stare at each other. "Ma'am is everything okay here?" The doctor asks again but I don't answer. "Yes everything is fine,I was about to take my leave" Nqobi answers. Not even a bit convinced,he narrows his eyes on Nqobi. "Should anything happen to my wife,you must let me know" he isn't asking him but telling him. With those words out,he marches,no he steadily limps to the door and takes his leave 

As the doctor is giving me an update on my condition,I'm in my own world. After hearing him say that my baby is okay I zoned out thats all I needed to know. "Are you listening to me?" I'm pulled back to reality by these words and him waving his hand around in front of my face. "Uh uh yes I'm listening" obviously he can tell that I'm lying. "You are crying" he says pitying me,pointing the other end of his pen at my face. Indeed when I touch my face I feel the dampness made by tears I didn't realize that I was crying. With a bit of aggression,I wipe away the tears...I hate this!!

He stops whatever scribbling he's doing on my bed chart and looks at me. "I can recommend a therapist who..." "I don't need one" I quickly jump in. "After what you went through..." Again I don't let him finish. "Are you done?" I don't mean to sound rude but I don't want anyone's sympathy or pity for that matter. And I definitely don't want to talk about it. "A nurse will come in to up your meds and check if you are still bleeding. Though I don't think so but just to be safe" he says with a tired sigh. 10mins later,the door opens to reveal my brother and his wife who has a medium sized basket and a sky blue teddy bear thats wearing a T-shirt.

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