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I hear and feel some movement around me,I open my eyes and turn to face the other direction. Lo and behold I find Nonjabulo sitting up on my bed,she's still in her PJs and she has my iPad on her lap. "Good morning Joy" I greet her in my sleepy voice and she cheerfully greets back before planting a kiss on my cheek which makes my insides melt. "Ngicela ungifakele amapopayi mama" she asks,handing me the iPad. Uchild naboCoComelon,abo nton nton Dollhouse and Paw patrol.

Just as I'm about to step into lala land, she taps my shoulder and I lazily open my eyes "mhm?" I ask,"ngifuna amanzi" she says and I just look at her waiting for her to correct herself. "Mama ngicela amanzi" she says sweetly. There goes my sleep. "Get up and wear your shoes then" I say getting out of bed. She shakes her head No haibo. She picks up her hands motioning for me to carry her,yhoo akasahluphi nangu umuntu. Too bad iyaphela letoddler treatment, soon there will be another baby who will be carried around more than her.

I sit her on the kitchen counter then grab her cup to get her water. "Aahh" thats the sound she makes after downing half the water that was in the cup. "Ngiyabonga mama" she innocently says and I smile at her,kiss her forehead then say "you are welcome my love." When I put her down,she decides to run to the lounge and I run after her when I hear her scream "babaa!" I haven't yet checked the time but I know its still early,ladies and gentlemen I find Nqobi sleeping on the couch and Joy is standing besides him.

"Please take her,I can't hold her" he's now awake and Lil Missy is throwing little tantrums because she wants him to hold her. I don't move nor say anything but just shoot him a questioning look. "I first have to take a shower" he answers me. Ohh you mean that you first have to wash off Thapelo's blood and whoever else you decided to kill. Its the following morning,he had since left with Cebo and Eagle Eyes to find Thapelo. He came back at dawn,beats me why he's sleeping on the couch.

Understanding what he means and why he's doing it,I take her. "Why ulale esofeni?" I ask,"I thought you said that you will be sleeping in our bedroom so I didn't want to disturb you or touch you." He says,"yeah I meant the master bedroom upstairs" I tell him and he only says Oh Okay. He then tells me that he had texted Zee to put some blankets on the couch for him. "It is done,you have nothing to stress about" he says and I ask him to elaborate on IT IS DONE, before I get excited for nothing.

"He's gone along with everyone who knew and the evidence too" he says and shoot me but I literally just jumped up and down. Yhoo it feels like a weight has been lifted of my shoulders...I can finally breathe. "What happened,what did he say?" I ask "all you need to know is that Lesedi dealt with the people who were feeding him with the information and he handled the money laundering story. While Cebo and I dealt with the bastard and those two morons"

Talking about the money laundering story "I know you know,why was my firm accused of money laundering?" "Lesedi is the one who helped you start your business right?" I nod while confused because he's asking an obvious question. "He's a gangster what sort of sacrifices,promises and agreements do you think he had to make?" I'm always quick to answer questions but on this one I'm tongue tied...angazi ukuthi ngithini. "So like I'm not getting recognition because I'm the best but simply because my brother made deals and..."

"No you are really good,never doubt that. If you weren't my wife I'd hire you as my lawyer" he says in a heartbeat. "Your brother just paved way for you. And he had stop laundering,remember when he "died"? Yah so don't stress about anything and his accountants will be here in two days to check everything" wuuu thats a relief. "Ngiyabonga" I say after a pause of silence. Guy just ignores me and tries to lift himself up. "Need help?" I ask and guess what? Stubborn him ignores me yet again and tries to bring his chair closer to him.

I don't how it happened but he struggled to pull his wheelchair closer to him,next thing I knew he was about to fall but thank God I was carefully watching him so I caught him. At least he says Thank you,although in a low tone. "I'm sorry, ngiyaxolisa" I say,he's obviously still upset about yesterday. "Sizokhuluma mengiqeda uk'geza" "sigh" eyy kuningi Nkosi!

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