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Nqobi arrives at the location he was sent to by Lesedi,its in the outskirts of Jo'burg. As he gets out of his car,two guards make their way to him. "Put your hands where I can see him Sir,I'm going to search you" one informs him,already approaching him. "There's no need for that" Nqobi says,clearly annoyed with such treatment. The guard ignores Nqobi by putting his hands on Nqobi's forearms going down. As he reaches Nqobi's elbow doing further down,Nqobi uses the heel of his palm to hit him hard on his nose.

When the guard stumbles back with his hands pressed against his nose as he takes in the pain,the second one has his hand fisted and is aiming for Nqobi. He manages to throws a mean punch at him,sadly his ego won't let him admit that he got him there. As soon as Nqobi recovers,he throws an uppercut at him. Out of boredom and lack of interest in this fist fight,Nqobi surprises both the guards by disarming one and holding him at gun point and painfully twists his arm as the other points a gun at him.

Nqobi is as calm as a cucumber,if anything he's annoyed while his victim is screaming in agony and his co-worker stands conflicted before them. He doesn't know if he should pull the trigger or not. "Whoa whoa whoa. Ndlovu you just arrived and already o supa batho baka ka dithunya(you are pointing my guys with guns)" an all too familiar voice booms behind them. Its evident that the person finds what's happening rather amusing,no one heeds his warning or acknowledges his presence. "Haibo ke itse whoa,Nqobi you are breaking his arm. Let him go!" Jomo,who's Lesedi's head of security commands.

And because Nqobi isn't one to be commanded,he gives Jomo a stinky eye before saying "tell him to drop his toy before I shove it up his ass" he snarls and the guard complies immediately. When the show is over and done with,Jomo leads Nqobi to Lesedi's office. "Your guest has arrived" Jomo announces to Lesedi who's swarmed with paper work. Lesedi only lifts up his head to get a glimpse of Nqobi. "Ohh you might want to send in a doctor,to check out the guards" Jomo adds and earns a glare from Nqobi and a questioning look from Lesedi.

Jomo closes the door behind him, leaving these two alone. No greetings are exchanged,Nqobi doesn't wait to be told to take a seat before making himself comfortable on one of the office chairs. Lesedi is on his second glass of scotch,Nqobi on his first...he isn't drinking but playing with the glass. "I told you to bring Cebo with and you came alone why?" That's how he decides to break the silence. Awkward moments between them seem to be a thing now which has never happened in the past. If only Cebo was here,he would be cracking jokes...saving us all from this torturous silence. Lesedi thinks to himself.

"He is busy" Nqobi simply says,"even for me?" He isn't hurt or disappointed by this...he is just trying to keep up the conversation. "Oh don't flatter yourself, he is not informed of your sudden resurrection. I told him that I'm taking him somewhere and he said he has things to do." He explains further "mhm I see,might just pay him a surprise visit" a smirk forms on his lips as he thinks of pranking Cebo. Nqobi joins in with a chortle,if anything Cebo is scared of ghosts. At his big age,he believes that they are real. "I don't think that's a great idea" Nqobi decides to ruin their master plan.

When Lesedi gives him a 'and why is that' look he says "he might make you a real ghost,what if he has a gun on him or worse a dagger. We all know that daggers are his specialty" True hence his gang name is Dagger,in his hands a dagger is a worthy weapon than a gun. "Okay since you love me so much and care about my well being,how about we go to him together and when he asks about me,you will tell him that you don't see me,its only you and him in the room. You will keep up the act until he becomes frustrated" then they both laugh,clearly amused by the plan.

"Why did you do it?" instead Lesedi answers with a question of his own,"ngikuthelele anye iglass?" "If this is what you called me for then I'm taking my leave" answers Nqobi pointing at the glasses of scotch. He stands up and walks to the door. "Okay ngiyaxolisa bafo,I'm sorry" Lesedi yells behind him seeing how serious Nqobi is. "Uxoliselani?" He asks turning around to face him shit I sound like uMaDlamini, he hangs his shoulders low at the realization. "Should I say it or you already know?" Lesedi asks smirking. "Say what?" Nqobi growls because he knows that he's stalling.

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