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I walk into our bedroom bare feet,with both my bags in my hand and heels on the other hand. I'm tired as fuck. I find my little family sprawled out on my bed and half naked. Nqobi has only his shorts on,he's sleeping on his back, facing up and has our son who's only in his pumpers on top of his bare chest. One of Nqobi's hand is wrapped around him while the other is wrapped around Nonjabulo who's sleeping next to them and is only wearing shorts as well. The bed looks messy because of how the pillows were shifted around but I find the sight in front of me very charming and heart warming.

I pull out my phone after putting my bags down and snap a few pictures,I softly laugh upon hearing their soft snores,yhoo they must be tired moes. I make my way towards them and start planting kisses on each of their foreheads. Just as I'm about to move away,Nqobi gently wraps his fingers around my wrist pulling me towards him and he lazily opens his eyes. "Is this how you greet your husband?" He asks in a very groggy voice which til to date makes me shiver. "Sawubona baba" I say before perking his lips and I feel him smile under my lips. The baba part comes once in a while,so he gets excited every time I say it.

"Yebo mama" he says deepening the kiss,I pull away before i fall on top of them. "Nakhumula nonke kwenze njani?" I ask looking at their outfits. "Its hot,I decided to let them swim until they got tired. Nonjabulo refused to wear her clothes when she saw me and Nkanyiso with bare chest" he explains making me laugh,that does sound like her. "Awusho keh Advocate Ndlovu how did it go?" He asks behind me,I'm now standing in front of my dressing table slowly peeling off my clothes. Yes I'm Advocate Ndlovu now,not Dlamini. Argh marn a lot has happened in 10 months and please allow me to narrate everything.

Our beautiful son,Nkanyiso Sabelo Ndlovu finally graced us with his presence at 10months. Boy was healthy and fine,I had a natural birth and there were no complications. I didn't notice that both our children's names start with the letters N and S (Nonjabulo Simamukela ngoThando Ndlovu) until a few months ago when Nqobi pointed it out to me. Nkanyiso got his first name from his dad which according to him,he did on purpose as he wants all his children's first names to start with the letter N. While Sabelo on the other hand was from me,its a pure coincidence that both their second names start with S.

When I held him in my arms for the first time,the name Sabelo just came into mind and when I said it out loud looking at his face,it just felt right. And I got the confirmation I needed when he opened both his eyes and looked up at me as I said the name whilst breast feeding him. After making me realise this Nqobi then again asked me if I know what N and S Ndlovu is. Unsure of how to answer his question I said "uhm its letters?" And he laughed before saying. "Its Nqobimpi and Simphiwe Ndlovu" guys I was shocked ehh talk about fate doing some crazy things.

Anyhow now we need to continue with the trend,all our babies must be N S Ndlovu. Nkanyiso is 9 months old now and usisi omdala is 4 years of age. She's a great big sister,at first she had a difficult time adjusting to having a new born in the house and being ignored each time he cried but now she's used to it. In fact she always wants to help out with him. Three months back,I changed my surname to Ndlovu. We completed all the traditional aspects of our wedding,I'm talking about umembeso and other things.

Yes we are back together again,and married Again. Before that was done,we sat down and had a lengthy conversation,it was emotional too but was definitely worth it. We even attended couple's therapy,something that Nqobi refused to do but had no choice since his marriage was on the line. Umembeso and everything else was not planned by me,it was all a surprise. I didn't know that a bride could be surprised with umembeso,I thought it was just weddings and honey moons but my husband proved me wrong.

I will never forget that entire week,will never forget how happy I was and most certainly will never forget how hot my man looked wearing ibheshu. Cha ngiqome kahle mina. I didn't see the need to have a white wedding,I mean we had a traditional one,which was beautiful with all our friends and family there to witness our union. Our rings were blessed and we exchanged our vows to each other when we were in each other's comfort,alone. We also didn't have our honey moon,eyy bakwethu I have a toddler mina.

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