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The past two weeks have been...uhm good I guess. Drama wise...things have been quiet. I haven't seen or heard from Siyabonga and that's a good thing. Nqobi's Public Relations team had a public briefing about his arrest. They said it was a wrongful arrest,a spokesperson of the Police Department apologized for the "wrongful arrest". She said they got their information mixed up and Nqobi wasn't guilty of any crime blah,blah,blah.

I just wonder how Nqobi and his legal team were able to pull off such a stunt. Ngapha(on the other hand) they convinced Siyabonga to drop the charges,ukuthi kanjani nam angazi(as to how they did it,I also don't know). Nqobi doesn't want to tell me how he did it and its not ngizo hamba ngiyobuza uSiyabonga(I will go and ask Siyabonga). They ordered everyone who was spreading word of his arrest to take down their posts or they will be sued. Surprisingly amaFellow South Africans complied. If you go to the Internet and search about the arrest,you won't find anything. Even the actual videos aren't there. Its like it never one is talking about it.

I'm home alone since Nqobi and Joy went to visit Nqobi's sister who's fond of Joy and naye she seems to like her.  One thing about uNqobi is that he will parade around town with his baby girl. He sometimes goes to work with her...perks of being umphathi(the boss). His close friends and family members know about her. For me its still too early to make any formal introduction to our families,so although they know Nonjabulo they don't know her mother. And my family doesn't know about Nqobi.

Ofcourse he isn't happy about it kodwa uzoqina(but he will be strong). He thinks that I don't see a future in our relationship,that I think its just a fling and that is not the case. I just don't want to count my chicken before they hatch or rush things with him.

Upon accepting the call,I'm met with a splitting female version of Nqobi smiling at me. "Mama mama..." Nonjabulo screams excitedly on her lap. I swear she gets louder as she grows. In the corner of the screen I see the traitor trying to hide himself mxm uzolala esofeni lo(he's going to sleep on the couch). When the girl sees my uneasiness she laughs nervously.

Her: "I'm really sorry,its all my fault. He did mention that y'all aren't yet at the "meet the family" stage but I just couldn't wait to see uMakoti" she says. Okay uyaphapha keh lo(she's forward). But I think I might like her.
Me: "its okay sisi I'm Simphiwe by the way" I smile to show her that its all cool.
Her: "lol I know and I'm Zanele" she informs me.
Me: "lol I know and its nice to see you" now its my turn to say that.

We converse until Nqobi gets jealous and takes his phone. We agree to meet up for lunch sometime so we could meet in person and get to know each other better.

I'm at my apartment watching movies with Getty while Lil Missy takes her power nap. A knock on the door forces me to get off my lazy ass angi understandi ukuthi why abantu bangahlali emakubo(I don't understand why people can't stay in their homes)...ekseni so guys(so early)? Upon opening the door,I'm met by 4 faces. Its Siyabonga,an elderly woman and man who I'm thinking are his parents and and a lady who looks to be in her early thirties. I guess I spoke too soon about not seeing him.

"Can we come in?" Siyabonga asks and I step aside allowing them to pile in. The girl is already giving me dirty looks how childish. "So you are not going to greet us?" She asks with so much attitude. "I don't know who you are and you are the one's who came to my house unannounced so..." I return the same attitude and shrug. "Very well then I'm Indiphile Nkosi,Siyabonga's wife. These are my parents inlaw,Mr and Mrs Nkosi" she introduces everyone,pride evident in her tone. Must be enjoying being a Nkosi bride.

"Sanibonani" I respectfully so greet them. "Yebo ntombazane" the father responds as I lead them to the lounge. How I hate the ntombazane,girlie and ngwanana term. I feel that its condescending. They tell me that they are here to talk about Nonjabulo so I say its only fair that I also call my parents to come. I mean guy brought his representatives so I should too. They agree to only start when my parents have arrived.

Me: "mama kenale mathatha mona,na letla kgona ho fihla lemangwane(mom I have a problem here,will you and aunty be able to come)?" I say to my mom as soon as she answers her phone.
Her: "ebe keng Reamohetswe ngwanaka(what is it my child)?" She sounds worried now.
Me: "letla utloa ha le fihla(you will find out when you get here)" I say in defeat.
Her: "is it that bad?" she's on full panic mode.
Me: "its about to get worse" I say then hang up.

I then send a text to Nqobi ~Gatsheni ngiyak'dinga(I need you). Please come to my place now~. The text may sound exaggerated but I really do need him. I take my phone and head to the lounge where everyone is sitting eating Rusks with tea. Not Getty being a good host.

"Can we please see our granddaughter?" Siyabonga's mothers asks in a polite tone,placing her tea cup on the coffee table. "I will go get her" Getty say and I smile a smile of gratitude to her. She comes back with her and places her on Mrs Nkosi's lap. Akase grumpy umntwana wam(My child is so grumpy)

Because she just woke up and doesn't know these people,she starts to cry and she calms her down. Nqobi walks in,greets everyone then comes to give me a hug. As Nonjabulo sees him,she starts her chant "baba baba...". If looks could kill,both Nqobi and I would be dead from the venomous look that Siyabonga is giving us. Everyone else is just surprised.

"Since when is he your parent? In fact what is he doing here...he's not family" he says angrily.  "My parents are on their way chill and I called him here,he isn't going any where" I reply with a fake smile. "She has Siya's eyes and the one dimple on her cheek" Mrs Nkosi voices out in total adoration while playing with Joy and Mr Nkosi agrees with what she's saying. Mina I won't comment.

"Hai ntombazane asina langa lonke(we don't have the whole day)...where are your parents?" His father asks sounding annoyed while he checks the time on his watch. "Well had you announced your visit,I would have told them in time. But if you are in such a hurry you can leave...I didn't call you to my house after all" I look at him in the eyes and let's just say he doesn't look pleased with my attitude.

"You will not talk to my father in law like that ndikhona mna" the wife chirps in well phuma sthandwa so I can speak to your father inlaw. She instead earns a bored look from me. After a solid 45mins my parents grace us with their presence. One thing about my aunt is that she's protective of her loved ones and doesn't take bullshit. As they are entering...she has the meanest look plastered on her face.

"Uhm my parents have arrived" Mr Nkosi looks at me then at them in shock and I laugh understanding what's shocking him. He must think that they are a lesbian couple. Kanti aren't old people supposed to see the similarities in related people from a mile away. Even a child can tell that they are sisters.

I once more introduce everyone properly but I don't miss the look my family sends my way when I say "this is Nqobimpi Ndlovu,my boyfriend". The long awaited meeting begins....

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