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His parents start off by apologizing for their son's behaviour and how he handled the situation. They say the manner in which Nonjabulo was conceived isn't good nor do they condone cheating but it doesn't mean that Joy should be treated like an outcast. Had they known,they would have handled the situation differently blah blah blah.
The meeting goes on with only the parents talking,Nqobi is just quiet while me and Siyabonga chirp in here and there when its necessary.

"How can we be sure that she's Siya's child?" asks Indiphile shocking everyone. We all turn to look at her "what exactly are you trying to say?" "Indiphile how can you question that?" Me and Siyabonga's mother ask her in unison. When she doesn't answer,her husband asks "Indi uthini kahle kahle(what are you really saying)?"

"But love look at her and then look at both mommy and daddy here. They are all dark skinned,it only makes sense. This child looks nothing like you" she says pointing at Nqobi and I. Ache ngwana enoa otswile kafensetere sekolong(she totally flunked out of school) "wow you must feel really smart after spewing such shit right?" I ask her.

Dearest husband over there looks at us then at Joy just as instructed by his darling wife. And he seems to be considering what she said. "Boy don't even think about it" my mother warns him. Lo Indiphile wakhona(this Indiphile girl) has been opening her mouth unnecessarily since this meeting began. I'm getting fed up with her loud mouth and shallow brain.

"She's a Nkosi,Nonjabulo is my child Indiphile" ohh wow look at him taking charge. Mxm. "Well I refuse to accept her as your child" she says bitterly folding her arms to her chest. The whole house goes quiet and its all eyes on her now. "And what gave you the impression that she needs your acceptance?" Siyabonga questions her with a straight face. Kuya nyiwa(its going down) moes. Things took a turn real quick. "In case you have forgotten I AM YOUR WIFE Siya" she says a bit loud to probably emphasis the I am your wife part.

"And so?" He asks coldly...I'm internally laughing my ass off. "Therefore as your wife..." She doesn't finish off her sentence because she gets interrupted.  "Inkosindiphile asizanga ngawe lana sisi. Thula kancane (we are not here about you,keep silent for a bit)" says Mr Nkosi who sounds very much annoyed.

Hai ugirl yirebel(the girl is rebellious),she turns to face Siyabonga "Siya you cheated on me..." My aunt quickly jumps in "Ehh butle mme o off topic,wa off ramp-a ngwanaka,ha o batla ho solve-a di-domestic problems tsahao,eya ntlong ya hao eseng mo(wait a minute you are off topic,you just off ramped my girl,if you want to solve your domestic problems go to your house not here)" Glad I'm not the only one who noticed just how off topic she is.

My mom continues to say "if you are done talking about what you actually came here for then there's the door" "seems like there's a lot of family issues y'all should address" I say maintaining a serious face. "This isn't over,we have to meet again next week and hopefully we will reach a decision with no disturbances" Siyabonga says dragging his wife out. His parents follow shortly after them. Nqobi and I both get up,he bids farewell and we walk towards the door.

Just as I'm about to open the door, "pele o tsamaya mora ke hloka ho bua lewena(before you leave son I need to talk to you)" shouts my aunt from the lounge I can't believe this old lady,she let's us walk all the way to the door. Still holding hands we turn back and head to the lounge. We both sit down and my aunt looks at me like I have just told her that Christ doesn't exist. "Make yourself scarce,I want to speak with him alone"

"Haa mangwane(aunty)" I can't leave the poor thing all alone with Mrs Dragon lady. "Reamohetswe ha ore haa wa hana moes?(when you say haa,you are refusing)" she asks sternly but i know that she's not looking for an answer. "For once just do as you are told" says Nqobi,I look at him with the 'are you mad' look,when I turn to look at my aunt. I find her with a smile on her face,she's clearly impressed. Mxm im trying to save you from her wrath and wena you wanna be a noble man here.

I walk out going to the kitchen where my mom is preparing lunch with a tail in between my legs. "U ikemiselise eng ka ngwanaka(what are your intentions with my child). Because if you are not serious mo tlohele( leave her alone)" she is using that motherly scary tone. I'm standing behind the wall eavesdropping on what's being said. "Ma ngiyam thanda uSimphiwe(Mam I love Simphiwe) and uma engivumela(if she allows me) I would love to make an honest woman out of her" Nchoo my boyfriend bandla too bad I'm not ready for marriage.

"Mhm if you say so. Ua tsebe hore ona lengwana and haebe utlo hloleha ho mo amohelo jwalo ka ngwana hao bua esale nou(you do know that she has a child right and if you won't be able to accept her as your child then say so now) so my baby doesn't waste her energy on this relationship. She has to focus on herself,her baby and job not useless man" My aunt can be too much sometimes eyy. "Kade ngamukela uNonjabulo nje nge ngane yam(I have long accepted Nonjabulo as my child) and im willing to fight for both her and her mother as long as she lets me"

"Hey Amo tloa mo otloo nthusa(move from there and come help me)" My mother shouts behind me. Do you have to shout tho? They will know that I was eavesdropping. I turn to look at her with a disapproving look and slowly drag my feet to her as she takes out vegetables,a knife and chopping board. Great.

When we walk into the lounge with food,we find both him and my aunt laughing like old friends. Thats the first,mhh so she can be nice to our boyfriends. My man must have presented himself well then. "Ke lebetse metsi,tlisa sekotlolo sa metsi hore Nqobi a hlape matsoho(I forgot the water,bring that bowl of water for Nqobi to wash his hands)" says my mom shocking me.

I look at her with the 'are for real' look. "Keng!(what)" again she shouts."Letho,just that heso ke rutewe ore ke etsa tjena for mokgwenyana fela(nothing,just that at home I was taught to only do this my husband" yah time to remember her of her teachings. I know she has a lot to say but because there's Nqobi here she won't say it now. Instead she angrily glares at me "Mara ke nete,ha a ntsha dikgomo(he didn't pay any lobola)" I lowly say going to do as instructed. I like them better when they are interrogating him and trying to scare him away.

I like that he didn't do what most of his fellow Zulu people do when none isiZulu speaking people speak to them. He didn't say that he doesn't understand Sesotho therefore my aunt has to speak isiZulu. Im also glad that my aunt decided to speak Sesotho and not her SeZutho because my man would be traumatized. I really thought that he's arrogant Zulu self would surface when my mom said that he has to learn how to speak Sesotho. My man only smiled and said "khululeka ma(don't worry mam) I will." Stupid him looks at me with a look that says 'now you have to teach me' accompanied by a smirk.

After lunch,Nqobi bids farewell and I accompany him to his car. I get into the passenger seat while he closes his door. He relaxes in his seat and rubs his hands over his faces tiredly. "Ngiyaxolisa Gatsheni" I say looking at my suddenly interesting feet while I fiddle with my fingers. He turns to face me,confusion evident on his face "I swear I didn't call you here to be disrespected by Siyabonga and his family or to witness the drama thats unfolding in my life" I haven't taken my eyes off my feet and he hasn't said a word either.

"You were quiet throughout the meeting,you must have felt like an intruder. I just needed you by my side but I totally understand if you are upset with me" I finish my rambling. He puts his index finger under my chin urging he to look up at him while with the other hand he takes my hand into his hold. "Sure I did feel like an extra back there,but that won't stop me from being there whenever you need me. Don't ever apologize for something that's not your fault siyezwana?" He says reassuringly and I just nod my head. But I feel bad for making him feel like an extra...I didn't think this through.

"Nhliziyo yam thank you for considering my feelings but ngirite mina. The house was full of elders that's why I didn't speak my mind. I don't want to be disrespectful especially not in front of my in-laws" he gives me a genuine smile which I also return. "I got to see my woman in bad bitch mode. I got turned on from watching you stand your ground" He says the first part in excitement making me roll my eyes at him. Trust him to say such.

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