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~Should I fetch her or you will?~ the text reads,its from Cebo. Dude takes his bab'mncane duties seriously. He's asking if he should fetch Nonjabulo after school or not. So in the mornings I drop her off and he fetches her from school, unless I'm not working then I fetch her. Like today I'm not working so ~No thank you,I will fetch her ~ I text back. Its not even close to home time for them and he's already confirming with me.

Currently I'm driving to Nqobi's office, its been close to two weeks since he went back to work,both legally and illegally. He wants to get his employees and clients accustomed to seeing him like this. Because we all have accepted that his condition might be permanent and that there's nothing we can do. We just have to pick up the pieces and try to adapt to this new life. All I can say is that siyancenga,kancane...kancane. He's just getting through each day as it comes,as normal as possible.

He now has to be driven around by bodyguards and I believe they even wheel him inside the building which he hates. Anyhow when I get to the last floor where his office is located,I first go to the receptionist. Ehh she must be new,idk her. "Good afternoon,is Mr Ndlovu in?" With a polite tone and a pretty smile on my face I ask her,she has her head faced down paying no mind to me. "Which Mr Ndlovu?" She asks in a bored tone and I roll my eyes. Which other Ndlovu's office is located on this floor? Heck Cebo barely comes to work,the past couple of months he was forced to be here because Nqobi was not yet fit to work.

"Nqobimpi Ndlovu" my tone is not as polite as before. "Yes but he's in a meeting" she says facing me with a fake smile plastered on her face. "Okay then please let him know that his WIFE is here" Idk why I feel the need to emphasise that. I say turning to make my way to his office. "Excuse me,where are you going?"wuuu iattitude kantombo. "If my memory serves me right,I said tell my husband that I'm here nothing else" I say turning to face her,"as I said,your HUSBAND is in a meeting and he doesn't want to be disturbed" she says. I think that she placed emphasis on the word to get under my skin. Stupid bitch!

"Okay sharp" I say then turn to proceed to his office,I hear her trying to say something but I keep on walking until I get to his office. Laughter can be heard from the other side of the door,the laughs of two men to be precise. Soon after the door opens and in comes Nqobi being wheeled in by some guy and they are taking in between their laughter. As soon as their eyes land on me,the laugher dies down. I have been sitting on this couch for close to an hour,bored out of my mind.

"Thats my wife that you are fucken undressing with your eyes" Nqobi warns the guy who's looking at me. "Uhm uhm sorry boss..." "Hey ftsek!" Nqobi snaps cutting him off. "Phuma!" He shouts again and the guy literally runs out. "Sawubona mkami,I didn't know that you are here" he says before kissing me. "Your receptionist said that "you don't want to be disturbed" " I say rolling my eyes as I put air quotes on the words, feeling annoyed because I had to wait here for a fucken hour. "Ayy shukuthi akawazi umsebenzi wakhe" he says feeling equally as annoyed as I am.

"Who is she vele? Angimazi" I ask him, "Eyy MaDlamini I'd be lying if I said I know her,uqashwe uCebo. I don't know why or when. Kuningi okuyenzakala la" LMAO he sounds pissed but funny as fuck at the same time. I guess bab'mncane made a few changes in his absence. "Awuse muhle mama" he compliments after taking a minute to properly look at me. Butterflies fill my stomach when he stares adoringly at me. "Ngiyabonga myeni wam" yhooo andisa blushi ke sana!

So I just did my hair,ngiluke amabutterfly locks amafishane. Its about time i plaited my hair,for sho people were starting to think that I don't have hair with how much I have been installing frontal weaves. I did my nails too,both mani and pedi. I'm wearing a long sleeved nude bodycon midi dress which has a front button closure,I have unbuttoned the first two buttons. Paired with Hugo Boss platform flip flops and obviously some jewelry,an anklet,a necklace and bracelets on both wrists with a timepiece. Imama malibabe bakwethu!

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